P682 CEEFAX 682 Thu 7 Oct 21:10/25     At last! No more repeats. Brand new series starts Tuesday: 5 days to go Question: Whose English teacher played truant on the Bykjr Grove set? Answer: in the latest GROVE GOSSIP. Write (enclosing a stamped RAE) to: Grove Gossip 12 (cx), Bykjr Grove, Newcastle, NE15 6LX  The dreams of VICKY TAYLOR (Angel): Libra: 1) In a wood, almost knocked over by a chariot, rescued by a masked horseman who swept her into his arms and rode into the sunset. 2) In a street, almost knocked over &5 by a bus, rescued by same man who &5 said: "You silly little girl." &upppppp New Gossip out today  New York BBC1 TV BBC2 TV 1 Choice