P604 CEEFAX 604 Thu 14 Oct 21:16/01   THURSDAY/FRIDAY  2000-0120  2000 WORLD CHESS 2030 THE MUSIC GAME N  Guests include Andy Taylor and  Nichola McAuliffe 2100 CRITICAL EYE S/N  Alice Walker presents this  documentary into the practice of female genital mutilation 2200 FILM: GUNCRBZY S Drama with Drew Barrymore who  becomes involved with an &5 ex-con and firearms &5 2345 WORLD CHESS &5 0020 DISPATCHES &5 0110-0120 FREEDOM OF THE LEG Tribute to Max Ernst  BBC1 601 C3 603 N = NICAM stereo & BBC2 602 Now 605 S = Subtitles 888 Now/Next BBC1 TV TV Extra Films