P722 CEEFAX 722 Thu 14 Oct 21:12/24 I       13 OCTOBER Suicide and Self Harm among young people, public meeting in Manchester - call 061 832 0170. From 13 OCTOBER new series of Community Music courses and workshops in singing, sax, drumming and more - call 071 490 2577 to make a booking. 16 OCTOBER HABARJ information seminar for black Africans interested in HIV/AIDS related issues and concerned about the spread of HIV/AIDS in their communities - bookings and details on 071 387 1908.  Contacts on page 729 1/2 News Info Disabled Volunteer
P722 CEEFAX 722 Thu 14 Oct 21:14/24        17-24 OCTOBER One World Week, Putting People in the Picture events all over the country - details on 071 620 4444. 18 OCTOBER Finding Funds: half day conference in London held by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations XNCVOR to explore alternative concepts of fundraising - call NCVO on 071 713 6161. 11 NOVEMBER Consultation Conference in London held by the Voluntary Sector Forum - open to all groups funded by London Borough Grants Scheme - details on 071 700 8124.  Contacts on page 729 2/2 News Info Disabled Volunteer