P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 28 Oct 21:17/03     ]   Welcome to the BBC teletext service, Ceefax. On Cjefax you will find hundreds of pages of News, Finance, Sport, Weather, Travel, TV and Community information on BBC1 and BBC2. Dialling a Cjefax page is simple using your TV  remote control.   Go to BBC1 or BBC2 and 1 2 3  press the TEXT key. Now   press the three-figure 4 5  number you want...say,   page 198. 7 8     1/4 A/Z Index Main News Top Sport TV/Radio
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 28 Oct 21:12/43        Ceefax offers you a choice. AT  W     On BBC1 you get the fastest News service together with the most important pages of Sport, Finance, Weather and TV information.    IN      On BBC2 you get much more detail on all Ceefax topics. Browse around - you may be surprised what you find.  ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 2/4 A/Z Index Main News Top Sport TV/Radio
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 28 Oct 21:11/43 ]       Some topics on Ceefax offer several pages of data without the viewer dialling a new number. Thjsj pages "cycle" automatically every few seconds. In one corner of the page, you can see how many pages are in the cycle and which one you are watching.  So you can see, towards the bottom right of this page, the sign 3/4.  $his means you are now watching the third of four pages. Keep watching and page four will arrive. The earlier ones will then rj-appear.  3/4 A/Z Index Main News Top Spout TV/Radio
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 28 Oct 21:12/43 ]       You can move around Ceefax even faster if your TV has FASTEXT. FASTEXT remote controls have four coloured keys which you can use to choose Ceefax pages quickly. At the bottom or top of a page is a colour-coded menu - just touch the appropriate coloured key to get that page   There may also bj   an Index key (white,    black or marked "i")      which will give you   an appropriate    index page.    4/4 A/Z Index Main News Top Sport TV/Radio