P13b CJJFA 132 Thu 4 Nov 21:16/z3 ,|l4|l4|,     POLITICS  bDOUBLE STBNDARDSb OF MPs PAY RISE Union leaders have condemned the "hypocrisy" of MPs for awarding themselves a 2.7% pay increase. Alan Jinkinson, general secretary of Unison, 3aid the rise was nearly U twice as high as the 1.5) limit set for public sector workers this =jar a The TUC said the award was a ca3j of "double standards" bjcausj the (5 pay of hard-working public sector workers was being "repressed". And the TG+U 3aid i5 was scandalous to cut real wages for the low paid $5 and allow bosses' salaries to soar.  Next News Hmmj News Main Njw2 CitXHjad2