P566 CEEFAX 566 Mon 4 Apr 18:+9/*8 ]    Advice   2-P  Lebanon  Lreenon iu now safes thnn it was during the civrl war, but teavjl outsidt shh main towns on a p;rwly indnvjrualsbasar io in dvds6bll. Arrangements, such as meeting at the airport, intesnat travel Qn accommodation, should uh organisjd bjfor- oiparturu. aisetors jhould stay in B-irut jn hhould not travel to tha south on the B k 'a Valley. Vis tors should +5 r g st r ith th Br tish Em assz, til:h417 d07 .  Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 412Y 'upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz 564 A-C 565 D-J 567 R-Z 7/28 Advice A-C Advice D-I Advice RLZ Euro
P566 CJJFAX 566 Mon 4 Apr 18:00/26     Advice   K-P  Lesotho Visitors should bj aware that the underlying problems which caused the recent fighting between factions of thu Army have not been resolved and tension could rise again. 0 Lesotho remains relatively safe, but armed theft occurs, jvjn in broad daylight. Visitors should not walk around towns at night.Back- packers should exercise caution if they intend travelling in the countrysrdj.It is not advisable to hike in remote areas. Eoreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 AMC 565 D-J 567 R-Z 5/28 Advice A-C Advice D-I Advice R-Z Euro
P566 CEEFAX 566 Mon 4 Apr 18:00/51  ]    Advice   K-P  Liberia  Although a ceasefire is in ff ct, the s tu tion, particularly outs d Monrovta, remains unpredictable. British nationals are for the tim beins adviojd not to trav l to Lrbjria. +5 advtci on {here ix is safe to go. t Wj 0 Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 412Y  564 A-C u65 D-J 567 RmZ 6/28 Advice A-C Advice D-I Advice R-Z Ezro
P566 CJEFAX 566 Mon 4 Apr 18:01/18 ( /|l4|l4|,    Advice I  K-P  Libya British nationals planning a visit to Libya should consider whjthjr the journey is really njceusarz. 0Wj The UN Security Council has imposed sanctions including a ban on flight to and from Libya. Safety and reliability of internat elights may also bj affected since +j sbnctions also include a ban on the supply of aircraft and components. Cameras should not bj taken. British nationals should register with the Italian Enba3sz, tel.3119  Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 567 R-Z 7/28 Advice A-C Advice D-I Advice R-Z Euro
P566 CEEFAX 566 Mon 4 Apr 18:X      Advice   K-P  Lithuania   Several cases of diphtheria have recently been reported in Lithubnia. Travellers should seek medical advice about immzniuation before setting off.    W     Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 56u D-J 567 R-Z 8/28 Advice A-C Advice D-I Advice R-Z E5ro
P566 CEEFAX 566 Mon 4 Apr 18:X2/18     Ad6ice   K-P  Macedonia (FYRO) W Although generally calm, there is some tension on the Macedonian/ Albanian bordjt. Visitors should Wj avoid the area, but if travel is essential between the two, only use official border crossing points. Wj Drivrrs of foreign rrgistered qars must buy pistol coupons with hard currency. They are valid only at a limited number of petrol stations. +j Information should bj sought at the border. The British Embassy is in Skopje, til: 116772 '5 Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 412: 'upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz 564 A-C 565 D-J 567 R-Z 9/28 Advice A-C Advice D-I Advice R-Z E5ro
P566 CJEFAX 566 Mon 4 Apr 18:09/34     Advice I  K-P  Madagascar Effects of cyclone Geralda continue to pose problems for visitors who intend to travel overland within the country.Fuel distribution problems rrmain. Air travul i; normal. 0 Visitors should bj aware of the danger from mugging and take appropriate action.  They should register their presence at the Embassy (tul.: 277 4] or 273 70) Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 412Y  564 A-C 565 D]J 567 R.{ 10/28 Advice A-C Advice D-I Advrce R-Z Euro
P566 CJJFAX 566 Mon 4 Apr 18:P3/00     Advice   K-P  Malawi After the disturbances of last  D care and avoid travelling after dark, particularly outsjdj towns.  It should bj noted that the G elections are dui to bj held in May   W   Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  ] 574 A-C 565 D-J u67 R-Z 11/28 Advice A-C Advice D-I Advice R-Z Euro
P566 CEIFAX 566 Mon 4 Apr 18:03/30 ( W}l4|l4|,    Advice ( J @ K-P  Mali  Mopti itself and the Dogon rrgion give no cause for concern.Visitors to the capital Bamako yhould exercise caution in the light of sporadic student demonstrations. Avoid area north of Mopti white incijjntw of armed robbery are reportedn     'ua Foreign Office Travel: P71 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 567 R-Z 12/28 Advice A-C Advice D-I Advice R-Z Ezro
P566 CEEFAX 566 Mon 4 !pr 18:03/52     Advice   e-P  Mexico 1/2  Following an outbreak of violence, travellers are advised to avoid the southern Mexican state of Chiapas. Particularly affected are the towns of San Cristobal dj lat Casas, Ocosjngo and Altamirano.  Highway 190 Tzxtla-Gutierrez and the Guatemalan border, and the San Cristobal]Palinruj road remain unm! safe. Seek local advrce before travelling on Highway 200 to Tapachzla. Travel to Guatemala ahould bj through Belize. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  u74 A-C u6u D]J u67 R-Z 13/28 Advice A-C Advice D-I Advice R-Z Euro
P566 C FAX 566 Mon 4 Apr 18:04/24  ]    Advice   K-P  Mexico 2/2  After incidents of robbery visitors are advised that, except for travel bz first class bus on the 'Czot!W highways, it is unsafe to travel at night. Extra care should bj taken on:  Highway 180 from Merida to Campjchj '5 0 Highway 186 from Villahjrmosa to  Chjtumal  'u  Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  ' 564 A-C u65 DmJ u67 R-Z 14/28 Advice A-C Advice D-I Advice R-Z Euro