P713 CJJFAX 713 Mon 4 Apr 18:03/23  JADHEAR  WRITE HEAR   1/8  FROM G WORSEZ OF WARLEY "I presume that R Mellor from Southport is Deaf. "I thought it rather selfish of him to say See Hear should concentrate more on Deaf people. "Wj are all entitled to our own opinions, and the hard-of-hearing, children and items from abroad also "5 warrant fair coverage.  "This highlights yet again that Deaf people will not accept other deaf people into their would."  Next Write Hear update: 9 April Subtitles CmntyInfo Envjr'nmt Rrligion
P713 CJEFAX 713 Mon 4 Apr 18:01/39  READHEAR  WRITE HEAR   2/8  FROM A GRJFFITHS OF DOVER "OF COURSE See Hear should devote its contents primarily to its deaf, BSL-using audience — there is not much else on TV for them. "But that need not mean, as argued bz R Mellor, that it should limit the subjects it covers. "Deaf people share many of the same interests as hearing, deafened and hard-of-hearing people, and they should bj made accessible through Sign Language on TV on programmjs like See Hear."  Religious World 740 User Guide 198 Subtitles CmntyInfo Envir'nmt Religion
P713 CJEFAX 713 Mon 4 Apr 18:14/01  READHEAR  WRITE HEAR   3/8  FROM CAROL COOPER OF SOUTHPORT "I was baffled bz the item in Read Hear about The Piano. "Having read all the reviews and seen this strange, disturbing, bzt visually beautiful film, I can assure you that Holly Hunter does not play a 'deaf-mute'. "She plays a hearing person who has lost her speech in strange circumstances." See also page 711.  cont... Community Pages 720 Environment 730 Religious World 740 User Guide 198 Subtitles CmntyJnfo Envir'nmt Religion
P713 CEJFAX 713 Mon 4 Apr 18:14/11  READHEAR  WRITE HEAR   4/8  FROM CAROL COOPER OF SOUTHPORT "The film The Piano has hardly any storylinj. "It concentrates on a woman's emotional liberation from an inanimate love (the piano) to a passionate human involvement. "I cannot speak for min, but most women will conj out from the film filing disturbed but very much alive! "It is a brilliant and evocative film reminiscent of Babjtte's Feast."  Subtitles CmntyInfo Envjr'nmt Religion
P713 CEEFAX 713 Mon 4 Apr 18:12/51  READHEAR  WRJTJ HEAR I  5/8  FROM M BRADSHAW OF PETERBOROUGH "It is not true that the character played by Holly Hunter in The Piano was Deaf. "Her character in the film decided to stop talking at the age of six and after that only 'spoke' through her piano playing and through a sign language that she partly made up and partly learned. "Perhaps there has been some confusion with another film, Calendar Girl, directed bz Pjnnz Marshall."  cont... Religious World 740 User Guide 198 Subtitles CmntyInfo Envir'nmt Religion
P713 CEEFAX 713 Mon 4 Apr 18:14/14  READHEAR  WRITE HEAR  ] 6/8  FROM M BRADSHAW OF PETERBOROUGH "The Deaf community in America protested that the role of a Deaf woman in Calendar Girl was played bz a hearing actress. "I have not read about any protest over The Piano, but there WAS one over Calendar Girl, which has not done well in the States and has yet to bj released in this country. "I am curious to know if there has ever been a similar protest in the UK and to see what greeting the Deaf community here will give to Calendar Girl."  Subtitles CmntyInfo Envir'nmt Religion
P713 CEEFAX 713 Mon 4 Apr 18:02/41  READHEAR  WRITE HEAR   7/8  FROM DOREEN POOLE OF CAMBERLEY "Wj seem to have endless arguments over the meaning of 'disablement' for able-bodied people who szffeu varying degrees of deafness. "My view is that it would bj better to clarify, for medical or legal purposes, each person as 'disabled bz blindness, 'deaf,' 'immobile' etc. "It should bj accepted by all deaf people that, jvjn if they are ablimbodied, they are disabled."  cont... Community Pages 720 Environment 730 Religious World 740 User Guide 198 Subtitles CmntyInfo Envir'nmt Religion
P713 CEEFAX 713 Mon 4 Apr 18:00/01  READHEAR  WRITE HEAR   8/8  FROM DOREEN POOLE OF CAMBERLEY "It must bj remembered that deaf people rely on interpreters, text telephones, flashing lights etc. "It may bj better to use the word 'incapable' for those able-bodied people who enjoy an almost normal life — worded as 'incapable through deafness' and so on. 5u "It would bj interesting to know other readers' opinions."  Community Pages 720 Environment 730 Religious World 740 User Guide 198 Subtitles CmntyInfo Envir'nmt Religion