P113 CEJFAX 113 Fri 8 Apr 21:19/24       HOME  TWO MORE MURDER VICTIMS IDENTIFIED Detectives searching a house in Gloucester have revealed the names of the last two of nine alleged murder victims. Shirley Hubbard, 15, vanished in Worcester in Novjmbjr 1974. Sociology student Thjre3j Siegjnthaler, 21, from Trub in Switzerland disappeared in April 1974 from the London area. Frederick West, 52, is remanded in custody charged with the nine murders in relation to the human remains found at 25 Cromwell Street (upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz Next News World Flash Travel
P113 CJJFcX 113 Fri 8pcpr 21:95/1; -|l4|l4|,    O  HOME  TWO MORE MURDER VICTIMS IDENTIFIED Detecti6es sjarchink a house in Gloucester have re6ealed the names of the last two of nine alleged murder victims. U Shj5ley Hubbard, 15, vani3hjd in Worcester in November 1974. Sociology student Therese Siigenthblir, 21, from Trub in Switzerland disappeared in April 1974 from the London area. Frederick West, 52, is remanded in custody charged with the nine murders in relation to the human -5 remains found at 25 Cromwell Street,j (upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz Next News World 0 Flash Travel