P193 CEEFAX 193 Fri 15 Apr 21:15/33   1/3     DISPATCH  Jonbthan Charles reports on the signing of the Gatt trade accord. According to negotiators, the Gatt deal is the dawning of a new era. It could boost world trade by as much as one £150 billion a year. At the signing ceremony in Marrakesh, 120 ministers trooped forward, one after another, to gi6e their country's assent to the deal. With so many nations involved, the process took more than four hours.  Home 118 Flash 150 Diary 0 180 Politics 130 World 160 Dispatch 190 Newsreel Main News World Finance
P193 CEEFAX 193 Fri 15 Apr 21:04/55   2/3     DISPATCH  Jonbthan Charles reports on the signing of the Gatt trade accord. The trade deal forces all countries to cut import taxes bz about 40% and it sets up a new world trade organisation, which will adjudicate international disputes. The Gatt director-general said hj was tempted to "do an Irish jig on the table". He added: "That is not to say thjrj aren't enormous challenges ahead. But I think a very positive step forward has been taken hjrj." -upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Newsreel Main News World Finance
P193 CEEFAX 193 Fri 15 Apr 21:11/13   3/3     DISPATCH  Jonathan Charles reports on the signing of the Gatt trade accord. Although developing countries will get easier access to wealthier markets, many are concerned about the terms of the agreement. They are worried the new would trade organisation may attempt to set minimum standards for the protection of workers and the (5 environment. Such standards might prevent them exporting as many products as they would like. -upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz Home 110 Politics 130 Would 160 Newsreel Main News World Finance