P616 CJEFAX 616 Fri 15 Apr 21:15/21  1/2  HERE AND NOW   HAVE YOU WITNESSED CRIME? BBC1's current affairs programmj Here and Now is looking for people willing to participate in a programmj about witness intimidation. We are looking for somjonj who has witnessed a serious crime invol6ink violence or kvjn murder. We want to find somjonj who DIDN'T give evidence in court becau3j of the &5 intimidation they faced. Threats to the family and physical attacks are common in thjsj cases. &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz BBC2 602 C4 604 N = NICAM stereo & C3 603 Now 605 S = Subtitles 888 Harassed? BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Satellite
P616 CEEFAX 616 Fri 15 Apr 21:27/49  2/2  HERE AND NOW   Obviously we are very aware this experience may bj something which you find difficult to talk about. But we can guarantee your call will bj treated in the strictest confidence and you won't have to bj identified in the programme as we can disguise your identity and your voice. We need to hear from you straight &5 away, you can all Sally Webb on &5 081 752 7333 or Minoo Bhatia on p81 752 7325.    BBC2 602 C4 604 N = NICAM stereo & C3 603 Now 605 S = Subtitles 888 Harassed? BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Satellite
P616 CJKFAX 61v Fri 1kQApr 21:12/31  /2  HETJ AVD NOW   Ob6i usly we r| uris awar1 thig experience may be something which you find difficult to talk abou . &k But we can guarantee your call will bu treattd in th tri t t confidence and you won't have to b identified in the programme as we can disguise your identity and your voice. he need to hear from you straight away, you can all Sally Webb on p81 7 2 7333 or Minoo Bhatia on &5 082 7*t 7325. &u &u  BBC2 7p4 C4 604 N = MIC—M stereo % C3 703 Now 605 S = Subtitles 888 Harasses?E BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Satellite