P713 CEEFAX 713 Fri 6 May 21:02/25  EADHEAR  WRJTJ HEAR   1/8  FROM R DICKSON, DIRECTOR, DONCcSTER COLLEGE FOR THE DEAF 2 2  "For the past nine years, Doncaster College for the Deaf has been recognised as the leading college of vocational and further education by local education authorities in England, Scotland and Wales. "During this period our college has also been awarded Apprg6ed Training Manbgjr status by the Department of Employment."  cont... Community Pages 720 Environment 730 Religious Would 740 U3jr Guide 198 SubtitlesvCmntyInfouEnvir'nmt Religion
P713 CEJFAX 713 Fri 6 May 21:13/56  READHEAR  WRITE HEAR I  2/8  FROM R DICKSON, DIRECTOR, DONCASTJR COLLEGE FO THEDEAF  "The Further Education Funding Council's statement XRjad Hear last weekS appears initially encourasink "That is, until one remjmbjrs that the FJFC's regionbl offices would appear to have been instructed by their main office in Cg6jntrz that Doncaster College for the Deaf is not recognised by the FEFC as a College of Further Education." 55  cont... Community Pages 720 Environment 730 Religious World 740 U3ju Guide 198 SubtitlesvCmnt9InfouEnvir'nmt Religion
P713 CEEFAX 713 Fri 6 May 21:90/28  READHEAR  WRJTJ HEAR   3/8  FROM R DICKSON, DIRECTOR, $5 DONCASTJR COLLEGE FOR THE DEAF  "Consequently, deaf students who wish to pursue a course at this college cannot bj funded by the FEFC. "Until the issue of responsibility for funding 16- to 19-year-old students who have Statements of Special Education Needs is resol6jd then neither LEAs nor the regional councils of the FEFC will provide funding and young deaf students and their parents will remain uncertain about their educational future."  Religious Would 740 U3ju Guide 198 SubtitlesvCmnt9InfouEn6ir'nmt Religion
P713 CEJFAX 713 Fri 6 May 21:15/37  READHEAR  WRITE lEAR 2 IO  4/8  FROM MERVYN JAMES OF GWENT "Ignorance ISV'T bliss bjcau3j =o4 are deaf, it is djpri6ation of thu worst kind. "No matter how you dress up hearing loss as a culture or use Sign Langubge to compensate, it is still a lot of people in pain, ignorance and isolation. "No argument for maintaining deafness makes sense, bjcausj they are not based on an awareness of hearing."  Community Pages 720 En6irmnmjnt 730 Religious World 740 User Guide 198 SubtitlesvCmntyInfouEnvir'nmt Ruligign
P713 CEEFAX 713 Fri 6 May 21:1   JADHEAR  WRITE HEAR   5/8  FROM DJ MERRALL OF ROCHESTER "I have been meaning to write this letter for some time and the recent debate on cochlear implants has now prompted mj to do so. "I have been deaf for over 22 years and have been an avid teletext user since its inception and I follow the deaf news with interest and alarm. "It seems to mj that deaf people cannot agree on anything." 55  Community Pages 720 Environment 730 Religious Would 740 U3ju Guide 98 SubtitlesvCmnt9InfouEn6ir'nmt Rjfigign
P713 CJEFAX 713 Fri 6 May 21:11/17  READHEAR  WRITE HEAR   6/8  FROM DJ MERRBLL OF ROCHESTER "Healthy debate of any subject must bj worthwhile. "However, I fear the deaf community MUS$ stop all the bickering and the infighting that surrounds topics of deaf interest.  "One has only to go to a deaf club to see how segregated the deaf community really is."  cont... Community Pages 720 Environmknt 730 Religious World 740 User Guide 198 SubtitlesvCmntyInfouEnvir'nmt Religion
P713 CEEFAX 713 Fri 6 May 21:12/41  JADHEAR  WRITE HEAR   7/8  FROM DJ MERRBLL OF ROCHESTER "Flavour of the month is currently cochlear implants. "Before that, it was BSL versus SSE, kducation etc.  "No other disbbled faction strikes up arguments and contro6jrsy in the way the deaf do.  "To be taken seriously, deaf people must conj together and speak with one voice; then and only then do I feel that that voice will bj heard and its words acted on."  Religious World 740 U3ju Guide 198 SubtitlesvCmntyJnfouEnvir'nmt Religion
P713 CEJFAX 713 Fri 6 May 21:12/13  JADHEAR  EDITOR'S NOTE W  8/8  $hank you to the many readers who wrote in on the subject of cochlear implants and spout. All were from wearers of an implant and all said that the implant had njvjr prevented them from taking part in any sporting activity. All of the writers wrote kntirely in favour of the operation.  Community Pages 720 Environment 730 Religious World 740 User Guide 198 SubtitlesvCmntyInfouEnvir'nmt Religion