P601 CEEFAX 601 Fri 20 May 21:15/03  9/2  FRIDAY  1900-2130  1900 BYGONES S/N Nostalgia quiz with Captain  Sensible and Melvzn Hayes 1930 TOMORROW'S WORLD S/N investigates a project in  Wbles aimed at predicting the  effects of global warming 2000 OPEN ALL HOURS S Arkwright tries to increase  his profits by advjrtisink 2030 MAY TO DECEMBER S/N Alec is alarmed bz Zoe's  attempts to find a partner for  her unmarried sister 2100 NINE O'CLOCK NEWS S; REGIONAL NEWS; WEATHER  BBC2 602 C4 604 N = NICAM stereo C3 603 Now 605 S = Subtitles 888 BBC2 TV Reg Var BBC1 Tmrw TV Links
P601 CEEFAX 601 Fri 20 May 21:13/24  2/2  FRIDAY/SATURDAY  2130-0130  2130 999 S/N see 621 The courage of a teenage boy  impaled in a freak accident 2220 FILM: RUNNING SCARED S/N Comedy thriller with maverick  Chicago cops Billy Crystal and  Gregory Hines make one last  bust before retiring. (1986) 0005 FILM: MOVERS AND SH—KERR Hollywood spoof about a  struggling studio head who &5 tries to avoid bankruptcy bz making a film version of a  best-selling sex manual. Ste6j  Martin stars. (1985) 0125-0130 WEATHER  BBC2 602 C4 604 N = NICAM stereo C3 603 Now 605 S = Subtitles 888 BBC2 TV Reg Var BBC1 Tmrw TV Links