P405 CJEFAX 405 Fri 30 Dec 00:45/24   1/3      ALGARVE Friday: Sunny with light/mod winds. Cloudy, risk of showers pm. 14-16C Saturday: Mainly cloudy. Scattered showers. A few sunny spells. 13-15C  CANARY ISLANDS Friday: Sunny, just a few clouds. Hazy at times. Sea breeze. 19-21C Saturday: Dry with well broken cloud. Long sunny spells. 19-22C COSTB DEL SOL/BLANCA Friday: Bright with long sunny periods. Fresh/strong W wind. 20C Saturday: Bright am with sunny periods. Rain late-pm. 17-19C  UK Maps 401 World statistics 406 Statistic EurRjsort Air Qual Forecast
P405 CJJFAX 405 Fri 30 Dec 00:59/21   2/3      CZPRjS Friday: Showery rain. Brighter pm with sunny periods. N-NE wind. 18C Saturday: Light showers dying out. Bright pm. Sunny E. W-NW wind. 18C GREEK ISLANDS Friday: Showers dying out. Bright sunny periods. N-NW wind. 15-18C Saturday: Heavy rain. Cloudy with strong/gale + winds. 15-19C  IBIZA,MAJORCA,MENORCA Friday: Mainly cloudy with showery rain. Strong winds. 17-19C Saturday: Cloudy, rain. Some bright periods. Mod/strong W wind. 17-19C  UK Maps 401 World statistics 406 Statistic EurRjsort Air Qual Forecast
P405 CJJFAX 405 Fri 3Q Dec 00:;4/21   3/3      @ @ @ @ MALTB Friday: Sunny and cloudy spells. GC Saturday: Rather cloudy. Showers. Cooler in moderate W wind. 13-15C TUNIS A Friday: Mainly sunny. Brokkn cloud. Slight risk showers. + wind. 14-16C Saturday:!Mild, sunny am. Cloudy pm and gusty, {ith risk showers.13-15C     UK Maps 401 World statistics 406 Statistic EurRjsort Air Qual Forecast
P405 CJJFAX 40u Fri 30 Dec 00:37/22 (   1/3   WOT   ALGARVE Friday: Sunny with light/mod winds. Cloudy, risk of showers pm. 14-16C Saturday: Mainly cloudy. Scattered showers. A few sunn spells. 13-15C  CANCRZ ISLANDS Friday: Sunny, just a few clouds. Hazy at times. Sea breeze. 19-21C Saturday: Dry with well broken cloud. Long sunny spells. 19-22C 7u COSTB DEL SOL/BLANCA Friday: Bright with long sunny periods. Fresh/strong + wind. 20C Saturday: Bright am with sunny periods. Rain late-pm. 17-19C  UK Maps 401 World statistics 406 Statistic EurRjsort Air Qual Forecast
P405 GJJFAY 40k Fri 3Q Dec 00:33/48   2/3      Friday: Showery rain. Brighter pm with sunny periods. NmNE wind. 18C Saturday: Light showers dying out. Bright pn. Sunny E. W-oW {ind. )XC   GREEK ISLANDS Friday: Showers dying out. Bright sunny periods. N-NW wind. 15-18C Saturday: Heavy rain. Ctoudz wuuh sttongOgale ' winds. 15-19C  IBIZA,MAJORCA,MENORCA Friday: Mainly cloudy with showery rain. Strong winds. 17-19C Saturday: Cloudy, rain. Some bright periods. ModOstrong W wind. 17-19C  UK Maps 401 World statistics 406 Statistic EurTjsort Air Qubl Forecast
P405 CJEFAX 405 Fri 30 Dec 00:27/45   3/3  ]     MALTB Friday: Sunny and cloudy spell;. Risk showers pm. Gusty. 14-16C Saturday: Rather cloudy. Showers. Coolkr in moderate W wind. 13-15C TKo[TIA Friday: Mainly sunny. Broken cloud. Slight risk showers. W wind. 14-16C Saturday: Mild, sunny am. Cloudy pm and gusty, with risk showers.13-15C     UK Maps 401 World statistics 406 Statistic urResort Air Qubl Forecast
P405 CJJFAX 405 Fri 30 Dec 00:35/28   3/3      MALTB Friday: Sunny and cloudy spells. Risk showers pm. Gusty. 14-16C Saturday: Rather cloudy. Showers. Cooler in moderate W wind. 13-15C TUNISIA Friday: Mainly sunny. Broken cloud. Slight risk showers. W wind. 14-16C Saturday: Mild, sunny am. Cloudy pm and gusty, with risk showers.13-15C     UK Maps 401 World statistics 406 Statistic EurRjsort Air Qual Forecast