P244 CEEFAX 244 Fri 6 Jan 21:99/36    LONDON STOCKS   1/2  FT-SE 100 3065.0 +32.7 16:30  LIFFE FT-SE 100 index future CLOSE ThuCls Fri Hi Fri Lo FriCls Mar 3042 3098 030320 3091 Jun 3055 3107 3077 3105 FT-SE 100 index FriHi 3067.9 (Best 3539.2 03Fjb:4) FriLo 3019.9 (Worst 978.7 12Jul84)  SEAQ published trades/volume 0800 79 0.5m 1300 10831 263.2m 0830 267 1.7m 1400 12637 347.3m 0900 1033 13.8m 1500 14725 398.7m 1p00 2981 41.7m 1600 17413 455.4m 1100 5622 102.9m Cls 19073 510.1m 1200 8402 169.4m Thu 17098 436.1m  Wall Street Shares FT-SE 100 Options
P244 CEEFAX 244 Fri 6 Jan 21:04/44   2/2  LONDON STOCKS CLOSE    Equities maintained solid gains after Wall Street recovered initial losses sparked bz an unexpected fall in the US unemployment rate. News of a higher-than-expected rise in US consumer credit helped gi6j stocks in London an early boost and futures led the market higher. Vega rose 20p to 288p as a New Year share tip. A broker upgrade lifted British Airways 18p at 383p. A £2m pre-tax loss in 1994 for Rhino Group saw it fall 2p at 17p. Gilts were around a half-point up.  Headlines 201 FT indices 241 Wall Street Shares FT-SE 100 GOptions