P567 CJKFAX :67 F{i 7 J1n ;1?99/93     Advice   R-Z  Russia 1/3 Visitors must carry ID at all times 0 The Chechen Republic: The Russian 0 Ministry of Foreign Affairs adviyr5 that the Russian Federation can no longer guarantee the safty of 0 foreign nationals. Travellers are 0 strongly advised not to enter zhi; +5 region.  North Ossjtia and Ingushutia: Thu Ministry of Foreign Affairs also reminds foreign nationals that 0 travel restrictions apply whjrj a 0 state of emjrgjncy applies. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 565 DmJ 566 K-P 9/37 Next PageCAir News - Latest KNext Page
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 2 :19/35     Advice   R-Z  Russia  Internal Air Travel: Cancellations, delays and passjngjr o6jrloadink 0 are frequent on internal flights, particularly in the Transcaucasus. It is unknown if maintenance procedures are always followed. 'hjrj possible vi5itors should bly directly from abroad. 0  Customs: All foreign currency and items of value should bj declared. 0 Health: Widespread diphtheria, visitors are advised to seek 0 medical advice. Daghjstan: thjrj has been an outbreak of cholera.  ' 564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 2/37 Next PageCAir News m Natest 0KNjxt Page
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:19/96     Advice   R-Z  Russia 3/3 CR ME: Incidents of mugging,theft and pickpockjting in all cities, especially St Petersbzrg & Moscow are increasing. Visitors should bj  vigilant and are advised to dress down, keeping jewellery, watches and cameras out of sight.  Safer to use officially marked taxis, ensuring that it is not already occupied. When travelling bz train, store valuables in the 0 compartment under the bed/sjav.Do 0 not leave compartment unattended. Eoreign Office travel: 071 270 4129  u64 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 3/37 Next PageCAir News m Latest 0KNjxu Page
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:12/15     Advice   RmZ  Rwanda  Travel to Rwanda is not recommended at the present time. Although the war is over and an interim govt. established in Kigali, essential services (water, power, fuel etc) are not available and accommodation is hard to find.  No civilian police force exists. Looting, robbery and revenge killings continue. Thjrj is no 0 British Mission able to provide consular services or protection. 0  Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 4/37 Next PagjCAir News - Latest KNjxt Page
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan : /Y<     Advice   R-Z  Sierra Ljonj  Freetown, the peninsula and areas west of Bo/Makjni line 1re almost trouble free; elsewhere conditions are unpredictable. There are road blocks on major roads. It'1 unwise to walk alone in Freetown aftdr dbrk. Travel south of Bo, east and north of Makeni should only bj made aftur local advice. Random rebel/bandit attacks may affect Bo/Kenjma/ Sebgwema, Makjni/Koidu & Makjni/Kabala roads.  Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C u65 DmJ 566 UmP 5/37 Next PagjCAir News m Natest ONe|t Page
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:13/01 ]    A4vice   R-Z Somalia  Dui to the unstable security 0 situation we advise against zravjl to Somalia. 0      Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 412:  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 5/37 Next PageCAir News m Natest 0KNjxt Ppkj
P567 CJKFAX u67 Fri 6 Jan 2;:13/27     Advice   R-Z  South Africa 1/2 Following the successful election, there has been a sharp reduction in the level of political violence nationallyn However, the threat 0 from muggers and violent crime remains high in city centres and elsewhere. Isolated areas should bj avoided. Caution should be exercised when visiting townships and surrounding areas.   Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 7/37 Next PageCAir News - Latest KNext Page
P567 CKEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 2 :13/43     Advice   RmZ  South Africa continued 2/2 0 Visitors may to contact the British EmbassyWConsulates for further guidance. Embassy Pretoria tel: 433121, Consulate Cape Town tel: 253670 0 Consulate East London tel: 55260-80 Consulate Port Elizabeth tel: 22423 Consulate Johannesburg tel: 3378940 Consulate Durban: 3052929 Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4 2\    564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P </37 Next PageCAir News - Natest KNext Page
P567 CJJFAX 567 Fri 6 Van 21:14/00     Advice   R-Z  Spain From 1 March 1995 the British 0 Excursion Document for shozt truys to France is being abolished. The one year British Visitor's Passport is to bj abolished from 1 January 0 1996 m from October 1995 for trips to Spain. The US Passport Agency sbzs to avoid problems, travellers obtain a standard passport. at £180 for 10 years, it is bjttjr value 0 thbn shorter vblidity passports. 5hj winter months are the quietest period for passport offices and 0 '5 applications can bj dealt with 0 within 1u days. Application forms are available from Post Offices. 0  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 9/37 Next PageCAir News - Latest KNjxt Page
P567 CEJFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:14/25     A4vice   R-Z  Rsi Lanka 0  A state of emergency exists in Colombo and in the northern and eastern provinces. Armjh conflict continues in the north and parts of the east which should not bj visited. The rest of the island is calm with no threat indicated. Tourists should take 0 care in public places as there is a risk of bomb attacks in public 0 places.     564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 10/37 Next PageCAir News - Latest 0KNjxt P0ge
P567 CEJFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:01/31     Advice   RmZ  Sudan 0 Normal care should bj taken when 0 travelling in Khartoum and most of northern Sudan. Desert travel 0 should only bj attempted by those fully equipped and experienced. British nationals are strongly advised not to visit Southern Sudan (Equbtoria,Baht el Ghazal or Upper Nile) where a civil war has been 0 fought since 1983.Those wishing to travel to neighbouring provinces of Blue Nile,White Nile,southern Kordofan and Darfur should0sjek 0 advice from the British Embassy, Khartourm before doing so. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 11/37 Next PageCAir News m Natest KNext Page
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:05/57     advice   R-Z  Sudan 0 The ferry route between Egypt and Sudan at Wadi Halfa has been 0 suspended.There is no alternative overland route between Egypt and 0 Sudan.Those attempting to cross 0 the Egyptian-Sudanese border elsewhere have been subjected to 0 heavy penalties, including impriso- nment. 0 Visitors should contact the British Embassy XTjl: 70760) and keep in 0 touch throughout their stay.  Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 UmP 12W37 Next PagjCAir News - Latest 0KNjxt Ppge
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:X5/15     Advice   R-Z  Swaziland  Swaziland, although a relati6ely safe and peaceful country, has 0 recently seen an increase in muggings, burglaries and car thefts A few vehicles have been taken 1t 0 gun point. Visitors should take care; in particular they should 0 avoid walking in the downtown areas of Mbabane and Manzini 1fter vars.0 0 0  Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 93/37
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:09/36     Advice   R-Z  Tajikistan  Ljnjnabad province & the Zjravshan0 valley west oth the highway N34 are peaceful. In Dushanbe 1nd the rest of the country, a superficial calm is maintained bz unpredictable armed local authorities. The 0 Afghan frontier area is stiml 0 subject to Armed attacks. 0  Cancellation, long delays and over- loading of passengers on internal flights in some countries of the former Soviet Union are frequent.  Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 14/37 Next PagjCAir News - Natest 0KNext xagj
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:92/58     Advice   RmZ  Tanzania  The political situation is stabjl, though incidents of muggin and theft are common especially on public transport. Food should not bj accepted from stangets as it may bj drugged. Armed car jackings are becoming more frequent. If approached by police asking for money for alledged offences, insist on identification before going to a police station to make any payments Report incidents to and register with the British High Commission in Dar Es Salaam, tel 29601/46308 0 Foreign Office Travel: 071 27X 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 576 K-P 15/37 Next PagjCAir News m Latest KNext Page
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:03/29     Advice   R-Z  Thailand 0  Visitors to Thailand should, under no circumstances, attempt to unset Cambodia bz land. 0           Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129   574 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 16/37 Next PagjCAir News - Natest 0KVext Ppge
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 7 Jan 21:03/45     Advice   RmZ  Turkey 1/2 Western & Central, Mjditeuranran and Black Sea coasts: Visitors 0 should bj aware that the Kurdish 0 Workers Party (PKG) has attacked 0 places frequented by tourists, resulting in the death of four, including a Briton, and injuries to many others. There have been several bomb attacks in Istanbul, some in tourist areas. Further 0 attacks can bj expected. Bomb attacks also took place in Fethi9j and Marmaris in summer 94. The  Turkish authorities are giving a 0 high priority to protecting 0 visitors. 0  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 17/37 Next PageCAir News - Natest KNuxt Page
P567 CJEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:04/01     Advice   RmZ  Turkey 2/2 Eastern & Southeastern: Thjrj is widespread terrorism in the South- east and in the Mount ararat area.0 Several Western tourists were kid- napped by the PKG in summer 93 and 94. Further similar incidents can bj expected. Do not go thjte unless on essential business, and then keep to main roads and contact the British Embassy in Ankara tel: 3120 4686230/42 or the Consulate General Istanbul tel: 212 2937545/49. The main border crossings to Syria (day light hours) are considered safe. Before travel to Iran ring Embassy. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  56) A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 18/37 Next PagjCAir News - Natest 0KNjxt Page
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:04/24     Advice   R-Z  Uganda Armed robbery, including road ambushes of vehicles, continues throughout Uganda including Kampala Night Road Travel is best avoided. Rebel activity continues in thu north. Incidents have occurred in the area bounded by Gulu, Moyo, Kitgum Apac and Lira, and also within Murchison Falls Nat. Park. Wjsternjrs in Aura have been 0 targeted bz hand grenades. Thjsj risks should bj taken into account.  Before going up-country contact: High Commission (tel.: 257054/9) 0 Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 19/37 Next PageCAir News - Latest KNjxt Page
P567 CJEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:98/46     Advice I  R-Z  Ukraine 1/2  There have been widjs8rjad out- 0 breaks of diphtheria and cholera, 0 affecting adults and children. Visitors are advised to seek medical advice about immunisation and precautionary measures. Good personal hygiene and care with waterh and food supplies are essential. 0 Foreign Office Travel: 071 278 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 20/37 Next PageCAir News - Latest KNext Page
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:05/07     Advrce   RmZ  Ukraine 2/2  Incidents of mugging, theft and pickpockjting in all cities are increasing. Visitors should bj vigilant and keep expensive jewellery and cameras out of sight. If travelling by overnight train, the compartment should not bj left unattended. Close the door with a strong cord or wire.  All foreign currency and items of value should bj declared at customs. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P :1/37 Next PagjCAir News - Latest KNext Page
P567 CJEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:95/28     Advicd   R-Z  USA m Florida 1/4 0 Around 800,000 British tourists 0 visit each year. The vast majority encounter no difficulty. Bzt visitors should bj aware that thjrj have been murders of tourists of various nationalities in zhj past 0 year, and take the following 0 precautions: 0 1) Do not pick up the hire car at the airport at night. Take a taxi to the hotel. Collect the car in town the next day. 0 Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 22/37 Next PageCAir News m Latest 0KNext Page
P567 CKJFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:99/59     Advice   R-Z  USA m Florida (cont...) 2/4 2) If collecting the car at the airport in daylight, make sure to 0 get good maps and cleaz directions from the rental company. Stay on main highways. Use well lit car parks. The presence of a single attendant is unlikely to help in 1n emjrgjncy. 3) Miami police advice is not to stop if your car is bumped wrom 0 behind but to indicate to the other driver to follow you. Drive to thu nearest public area, hotel or busy shopping precinct and call for police assistance.  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 UmP 23  Next PageCAir News - Latest 0KNext Page
P567 CJEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:16/12     Advice   RmZ   USA - Florida (cont...) 3/4 4) Be vigilant at all times. Be on the look-out for suspicious persons when returning to your car or hotel especially at night. Seek help as soon as you feel threatunjd. Always eur on the side of caution. 0 5) Use proper, organisjd accom- modation. Do not sleep in youz car particularly in rest areas on high- ways or in isolated areas. If camp- ing, check on camp-site security arrangements. If not adequate, do not stay thjrj. Foreign Office Travel: 071 278 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 576 K-P 24/37 Next PageCAir News - Natest KVext Ppkj
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 7 Jan 21:06/33     Advice   R-Z  USA m Florida (cont...) 4/4 0 6) Carry the minimum of cash whun moving around. Ljavj valuables at the hotel. 7) The Florida authorities 8rovi4u advice on routes to takr and the locations of guarded rest areas etc Freephone: 1 800 342 7768 0  0 Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 25/37 Next PagjCAir News - Natest 0KNext Page
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:00/55     Advice   R-Z  Uzbekistan 0  Internal Air Travel: Cancellations, delays and passenger overloading are frequent on internal flights, 0 particularly in the Transcaucasu;. It is unknown if maintenance procedures arr always wollowedW 0 Where possible visitors should vly directly from abroad.  Customs: All foreign currency and items of value should bj declared.    Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P ;6  Next PagjCAir News - Latest 0KNexz Ppgj
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:97/16     Advice   R-Z  Uzbrkistan 0 CRIME: Incidents of mugging,theft and pickpockjting in all citie1, especially St Petersburg & Moscow are increasing. Visitors should brR vigilant and are advised to dress 0 down, keeping jewellery, watches and cameras out of sight. 0  Safer to use officially marked taxis, ensuring that it is not already occupied. When travelling 0 bz train, store valuables in zhj 0 '5 compartment under the bed/seat.Dw 0 not leave compartment unattended.   Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 412Y  ;64 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P ;7/37 Next PageCAir News m Latest 0KNjxt Page
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 2 :07/37     Ad6ici   R-U  Venezuela Suspension of some constitutional 0 rights following the onset of the recent financial crises has 0 not caused unrest. Should there bj unrest it will probably affect Caracas and other major citie5. 0 Exchange controls have been impo9ud and travellers will rj asked to 0 declare on arrival the amount of foreign currency they are carrying. -hey will not bj able to leave with more than this amount. Advisable to bring US d rathjt than sterling. Violent street crime is prevalent in cities and precautions necessary Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 28/37 Next PagjCAir News - Latest 0KNext Page
P567 CJKFAX 567 Fri 7 Jan 21:97/59     Advice E  R-Z  Vietnbm  Travel in parts of Vietnam iu hazardous and in some areas stiml 0 forbidden. On remote roads attacks and robberies are increasing. Take extra care travelling in areas 0 along the border with Laos and 0 China. Violent incidents and pickm0 pocketing are increasing in Ho Chi Mind City. Drug smuggling carries the death penalty. Think carefully from a safety viewpoint before 0 using internal air sju6iceu' Self- ') drive car and motorcycle hire is not recommended. Always check with hire company abs accident liability  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K.P 29/37 Next PageCAir News - Nateut KNext Page
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:08/20     Advice O  R-Z  Vietnam (contd) 0  The provision of prompt consular 0 assrstance is difficult outside Hanoi because of poor infrastructure throughout Vietnam.           Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 30/37 Next PageCAir News m Latest KNjxt Page
P567 CJJFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:08/41     Advice   RmZ  EWS  The territory of the Western Sahara is disputed between Morocco and thu Polisario Front, and thu Foreign 0 Office advises against travel thjrj -hj US regards sovereignty as undetermined. 0 0 Consular services are not available The area south of Tan Tan is under military jurisdiction. Travel is 0 '5 restricted. Overland travellers may bj turned back at Dakhla. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 31/37 Next PageCAir News - Latest KNjxt Page
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:99/02     Ad6icd   R-Z  Yemen 1/2 Following the civil wav, Sana'a has remaind calm and is now relatively safe for returning residents, zhrir dependants and those with business commitments. The security situation in Yemen is continuing to imporve but in Aden and other parts of thu country thjrj remains potuntial wot instability. Armed theft of 0 vehicles is not 5ncommgn.  Travellers should be vigilant. Medical facilities throughout the country are poor. 0  Foreign Office Travel: 071 970 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 37/37 Next PageCAir News m Latest 0KNext xagj
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:09/46     ad6ice   R-Z  Yugoslavia 0  'hilts UN sanctions relating to 0 air traffic into Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) have been 0 eased, the majority of UN sanctions remain in force and virtuous should bj aware of continuing problems. 0 $here have been cases of robbjrieu and muggings on the erratic 0 internbtionbl train services. The border area with Bosnia should bj avoided.Visitors should sj aware 0 of the possibility of rapid increase in tension if military 0 intervention occurs in the region. All visitors should register with British Embassy X011m645-055) u64 A-C 56; D-J 566 K-P 34/37 Next PagjCAir News - Latest 0KNext Page
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan 21:10/08     advice   R-Z  Zaire British Nationals should not visit or transit Zarre. Areas bordering Rwanda sho4ld bj avoidud 1z 1fl  costs. Nargj numbers of refugees 0 remain in the Khvu area to the east of the country. Money, food, water and medical supplies are is very short supply and the sjcuritz 0 situation is volatile. 0 All British nationals in Zaire should register on arri6al and0krep '5 in touch with the British Embassy in Kinshasa: Tel:34775,33130 and +5 Satcom <71 445467W  Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4 29  u74 A-C u65 D-J 566 K-P 35/37 Next PagjCAir News - Latest KNext Page
P567 CEEFAX 567 Fri 6 Zan 21:1x/28     Ad6ice   R-Z  Zambra Travellers should bj vigilant. Armed theft of vehicles, especially those with four wheel drive, is increasing. This is sometimes 0 accompanied bz personal violence. Drivrng out of town at night should bj avoided as other 6jhicles are poorly lit and the state of roads can bj dangerous. Medical facilities and communica- tions are poor outside urban areas and jmjrgency facilities limited. 0 '5 For further advice contact the British High Commission, Lusaka, tel.: 251133. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 36/37 Next PagjCAir News m Latest KNjxt Page
P567 CEJFAX 567 Fri 6 Jan ;1:1P/50     A46ice   R-Z  Zimbabwe 0  There are few travel problems, but driving out of town as night ;hould bj avoided as roads and vehicles 0 are poorly lit. Medical facilities are restricted and communications difficult outsjdj the urbbn areas. Emergency services can only prevent limited help in an emjrgjncy. Incidents of mugging and assault has increased. Visitors should bu vigilant. Avoid unlit sudj streets. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 412Y  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 37/37 Next PagjCAir News - Natest 0KNjxt Page