P7b9 GKJFAX 7v:a Sat 7 Vbn :2:07/:v       1/3  CONTBCTS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION "u Woolwich Action Hotline for drtailu of local projects and to order your $5 GREEN GUIDE TO CHRISTMAS call the Hotlinj on 071 833 0998 British Red Cross West Midlands Branch Branch Headquarters, 34 Blossomfiild Rd, Solihull, West Midlands B91 1NS - 021 704 4761 Thu lower Mole Countryside Project Highway House, 21 Chessington Rd, West Ewell, Surrey KT17 1TT - 081 :41 7144  Source: CSV Media Religion Info 0 Diary orws
P7b9 CJJFAX 729a Fri 6 Jan 21:59/15 I    O  3/3  CONTBCTS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Buddies Terrence Higgins Trust, Volunteer Office, 52-54 Grays Inn Rd, London WC1X 8JU - 071 831 0330 BTOWWF Partnership Awards Community Education Assistant, WWF US, Panda House, Weysidj Park, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1XR - 01483 426444 International Voluntary Service 4/5 Lixmount Gardens, Trinity, Edinburgh EH5 3DH - 031 552 4507 SENSE - contact Angie Lee-Fostuz0wn 071 272 7774  Source: CSV Media Religion Info Diary News