P167 CEEFAX 167 Sun 28 May 01:55/27   -n2n1  -/.%/.I/,  WORLD  ARBFAT AIMS TO BOOST PEACE PROCESS Yassjr Arafat has arrived in Morocco for a second meeting with the Israeli foreign minister. The leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation told his cabinet that hj was expecting talks with Shimon Pekes on expanding Palestinian self-rule to be "tough" Mr Pekes said hj hoped for agreements to expand Palestinian self-rule bz 1 July. $hj two sides are a year behind in implementing the second phase of their 1993 interim peace dial. -upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz Next News World Newsround Headlines
P167 C EFBX 167 Sun 28 May p0:55/28 )|l4|l4|,    -/.)/.%/,  WORLD £££££££££££££££££££££££££££ ££££££ £ k ARSFAT AIMS TO cOOS$pPEACE PROCESS Yassju srafat has arr|vjdosn a 12 Mot cc f a se nd m n w h the Israsli forte n minister. S/B i h l al s o2 o r 16 The leader gf the Pale thnian Lis3iat on OrganiYution t ld hi cabinj, th,t,hj ,a, ,xp,,ting talks j with Shimon Pekes on txpandink Palest nran self-rune to bj "tough" Mr Pere3 said hj hoped nr agreimlnts to mxpand Palrstinian lf url bz 1 ly phi tpo 3ihep are a year behind in immlem rink thu seco d 6h se df 5 Phjir 1s933interim peac1 dial. (upppppppppppppppppppppjp ppppppppp8pppz Next News World Ne sround Headlines