P204 CEEFAX 204 Sun 28 May 01:45/44   1/2  ANNUIT UPDATE   During the last week only two insurance companie have elected to reduce their rates. The two in question were Norwich Union and Canada Life. We have been xpecting this fall in annuity rates for some time and this reflects the underlying reduction in gilt yields. The benchmark annuity rate, ie single life guaranteed 5 years has not moved, but this does not accurately reflect the changing situation in the market. Mortgage and Savings Guide 260 Arrivals Stocks U Panel Mon yfile
P204 CEEFAX 204 Sun 28 May 01:15/25   2/2  ANNUITY UPDATE I  Anybody considering bu:ing an annuity through th op n mark t option is advised to shop around to find the best rates. hj company offering the best rate will depend on the particular purchase price, age and option selected. The longer term outlook is more encouraging and we would expect rates to increase slowly during the coming year as the pressure for increased interest rates increases and the threat of inflation returns.  Mortgag and Savings Guide 260 Arse ls Stocks U Pan l Mon yfile
P204 C JFAXd2p) Sun 28 May 01:1y/2k | @L ] aVNUJTY UPD—TE WWIOOL b @d@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@b @@@@ b2i 5 ann i y t rough th ope m rk t !5 option is advi3ed to shop around to find thu srst {pteu. p 2 35 putehbsj price, ski and%option h02 ) 2 Thjalonker term outlook is mkrj encouraging 1g4 wr0would e|prat 0Yu the coming year p3 thu pres;rue wot j   @ Mojtgbgj and Sa6ings Guide 260 A y
P204 CEEFAX 204 Sun 280May 00:50/30  G  n2n IO :5 j52phtj5 j20 7£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££k During the last week onl two in3urance comp n s have licked to reduce their rates. $he two in qu ction were Nmrwieh Mnitg and Canidg 260 A n t eu 2 m or have jim ixly rink th S jato annuity rates for some time and two r zlret tar un u reduct$18 1n gil£ ynelds. che benchmbrk annuity rate, ie snntli life gnaranteed 5 year has L accuratelP ref0.c% the ki k situbhion in the mbr0jt. Mo5taag add Saviggs uudd 26 Arrivbls Stocks UT Panel Monjyfile