P299 CEJFAX 299 Sun 28 May 01:16/34   1/6  VIEWERS' A-Z    Advice Would-bj investors should bj aware of the pitfalls of investment in finbncial markets. Professional advice should be sought.  Bonds "Long bond" is a US Treasury bond (T-bond) with a 30-year life. Commodities Prices for gold are in dollars p r ounce; sil6 in p nce per troy ounce; copper and lead in pounds per tonne; tin, zinc, both aluminium contracts, and nickel in dollars per tonne; wheat, barley, and potatoes in pounds per tonne; oil in dollars per bulk barrel of Brent Blend crude.  Long bond 255 Commodities 258 Fin nce Main M n Main ndex TV di
P299 CEJFAX 299 Sun 28 May 00:35/36   2/6  V WETS A Z    Eff £ An expression of th pound's value in terms of a trade-weighted basket of currencies. (100 = 1975).  Futures Three LIFFE contracts are featured pages 244 and 254). They are designed to allow investors to protect themselves against shifts in share prices FT-SE 100 future) or interest rates (Long gilt future and Short Sterling future). For the purpose of Ceefax viewers, th y can provide guidance to the prevailing market percepti n of share price or interest rate trends.  See Long gilt and Short Sterling.  FT-SE 100 future 244 Headlines 201 Finbnce Main Menu MainIndex TV/Radio
P299 CEEFAX 299 Sun 28 May 01:55/37   3/6  VIEWERS' A-Z   7££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ k Gilts Short for gilt-edged, thjsj are U govjrnmjnt stocks and, like other bonds (see Bonds), pay fixed rates of inter t over periods that vary between stocks whil repa ing £100 at maturity. So, price mo in opposition to the pruvailing l v l of interest rate .  Indices Wh re not indicated, market indices quoted on Cjefax are made up as follows: All ordinarie (a l shbresR, CAC X40), DAX (30), Dow (30), EOE (sample), FT ord (30), Hang Sing (33), Nikkei (225), S&P (500), UPI (all), Strait Tim Industrials (30).  Gilts 228 Indices 240 Finance Main Menu MainIndjx TV/Radio
P299 CEEFAX 299 Sun 28 May 01:44/14   4/6  V EWERS' A-Z    Interbank Currency rates on 251 and 252 apply to dealings b tween banks in sums upwards of £500,000. Three- month interbank interest rates (on 25)) represent inter-bank borrowing costs over a three-month term.  Interest rates Long gilt futures, Eurodollar deposits, and Long Bonds are priced in 32nds (denoted by a hyphenS. Eurodollars are dollars held outside the US. The Long Bond is a US Treasury bond maturing in 30 years' time. (The yield is shown beneath the price). j See Long gilt and Short Sterling.  Forex report 247 Headlines 201 Fin nce Main M nu MainIndex TV/Radio
P299 CEEFAX 299 Sun 28 May 01:56/57   5/6  ViEWERS' A-Z I   LJFFE Denotes London Inte national Finbncial Futures Options Exchang .  LME Denotes London Metal Exchang6.  Long gilt futur Th are futur in a notional British gilt quoted in terms of a nominal £100 worth.  Prices All prices and rates quoted on Cjefax (except for the tourist rates on 253) are "middles". Bid- offer spreads widen during periods of price/rate volatility. j Results EPS i2 earnings p r share - profit divided by number of share/.  LIFFE long gilt 254 H,adlinjs 201 Finance Main M nu MainIndex TV/R di
P299 CEEFAX 299 Sun 28 May 01:15/49   6/6  V WETS' A Z    SHARECHECK Constituents are biggest companies in terms of market worth. Selection is revised at three-month intervals. Biggest winners & losers are a sub-set of the SHARECHECK and Recent Issue constitu nus.  Short sterling future Quoted at 100 units minus rate of interest, these are futures in three-month sterling deposits.  Traded options An approach to stock market investment pionj red in the US and offering a relatively high degree of gearing (see page 235 for further details).  Short sterling 254 SHARJCHECK 220 Fin nce Main M nu MainIndex TV/Radi
P299 CJJFAX 299 Sun 28 May 01:22/44 ( W}l4|lh|, 3| ml 4|l l4 Lh4|h<m|h 3/6 W VIE+IRS£ A-U   +EEKEND PERSOVaL GIG—VCE M—GaZJVE are UU government stocks and, like kuhku bonds (3je conds*, yaz wi\ed rates of in0 est oBjr p6riods that ard bet ee0 2to k1 whst arty 33 £100 at maturity.1Sm, prices mo6e ST cp MarKet 06 h nn*6hie2 270 leiel of inte2est rateun m  IndiceL +hjrL nL, i,diaat,d, mar,jt indices quoted on Cjefax are made b @@R@ sharerS,0CAC T40), fAX (30), fow (30), E E ( a ple), F 24 d (50  Han Sunk (3o), Nikkai a2g51ncS P01 (500), UPI (all), Straits Tim-Y FVruptryala (30bla+estm er 2 1  Gilts 228 IndicL3 240 Fiyanad Main Mfil Mninrtdes Vconoiy