P615 CEEFAX 615 Sun 28 May 01:15/44  1/2  PUBLIC EYE   BBC Public Eye is researching a tele6ision programmj on home or domiciliary care. If you or your relatives have had problems with the service provided by individual care assistants or the agencies and local authorities that supply them, please contact us. All calls will bj treated in the strictest confidence. &5 Please call 0181 752 7311 or &5 0181 752 7324 &5 &5 &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Links 610 BBC2 602 BigCountr BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sky
P615 CEEFAX 615 Sun 28 May 01:14/44  2/2  PUBLIC EYE  7££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ ££k BBC Public E j would like to hear from men who have experienced &5 depression after the birth of a child. If you have received any kind of help or your problems were not recognised, please contact us. All calls will bj treated in the strictest of confidence. &5 Please call 0181 752 7311 or 0181 752 7324 &5 &5  &5 &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Links 610 BBC2 602 BigCountr BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sky
P615 CJJFB 61ua SM 01:46/44  2/2  PUBLIC EYE & z5z5p p0  BBC Public Eye would like to hear &5 from min who have experienced depression afte the birth of a child. & a &5 If you have received any kind of &5 help ou your problim3 were nor recognised, please contact us. All calls will b treated in the strictest of confidence. Please call 0181 752 7311 or &5 0181 752 7324 &k &k &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz BigCountr BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sky