P625 CEJFAX 625 Sun 28 May 01:53/28  1/10  EDUCATION   £££££ ££ ££££k Words from Jerusalem A booklet of specially commissignjd poetry has been produced to support the series, Words from Jerusalem. &5 For a copy of this booklet, send a &5 cheque or postal order (payable to BBC Education) for £4.95 per copy to: Words from Jerusalem (C) &5 PO Box 7 &5 London W5 2GQ &5 &5 &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Links 610 BBC1 601 Select BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Satellite
P625 CEEFAX 625 Sun 28 May 01:50/07  2/10  EDUCATION   Tomorrow' Would Experiment Pack &5 Produced to support BBC Science &5 Week, this pbck is a real mixture of things to do, both in the home and outside, and provides a fun way &5 to xplore science. For a copy of this pack send a cheque or postal order Xpayable to BBC Education) for £3.95 per copy &5 to: &5 Experiment Pack (C &5 PO Box 7 &5 London W3 6XJ &5 &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Links 610 R Focus 747 Select BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Satellite
P625 CEEFAX 625 Sun 28 May 01:57/47  3/10  EDUCATION   hj Buccaneers his 32-page highly illustrated booklet, produced to accompany the BBC dramatisbtion, is a guide to Edith Wharton and The Buccanj rs, her last novel - which she left unfinish d on hj death in 1937. For a copy of this booklet send a cheque or postal order payabl to &5 BBC EducationS for £3.95 (includes VAT and p&p) per copy to: Buccaneers (C) &5 PO Box 7 &5 London W3 6X &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV L mks 61 BBC 601 Select BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Satellite
P625 CEEFAX 625 Sun 28 May 00:54/27 & )|l4|l4|, 4/10  EDUCBTJON   Winning Two packs, produced to accompany the BBC Winning series are available to help small and midi m-size busine s and tho ttin up on h ir o n wi h practical and accessible resources &5 for train ng to improv business pjrformbnce. &k For further information please write to: BBC Educational Developments Rm G417, White City 201 Wood Lane London W22 7TS &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Links 610 E Fo us 747 Select BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Satellite
P625 CEJFAX 625 Sun 28 May 01:44/27  5/10  EDUCATION  Little Lord Fauntleroy This 32-page illustrated guide to accompany the BBC TV series looks at Victorian life and how it compares to life today. The dust jacket converts into an interior kf a Victorian house and includes cut-outs of key domestic staff. A costume wheel is included, showing the range of clothes worn bz typical children in any one day. &5 For a copy of this booklet, send a &5 cheque or postal order Xpayable to BBC EducationS for £4.50 per copy to: Fauntleroy Guide (C), PO Box 7, &5 London W3 6X &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Links 610 BBC1 601 Select BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Satellite
P625 CEEFAX 645 Sun 28 May 01:44/47 L 6/10  EDUCATION   Discovering Science &5 A helpful guide to support BBC Sci nce eek, pro iding inf rmation on where to go, what to watch and listen to on TV and radi , wh t call, and generally how you can follow up you interest in science. For a copy of this booklet send a cheque or postal order (payable to &5 BBC EducationS for £1. 0 per copy &5 to: Discovering Sci nce (C) PO Box 7 London &5 W3 69  &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Links 610 R Focus 747 Select BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Satellite
P625 CEJFAX 625 Sun 28 May 01:15/07 |l4|l4|,   EDUCATION   The Photo Show hi illustrat d bo kl , produc d to accompany the BBC TV sjrieu, explores diff rent aspects of photography. It also includes &5 general guidelines for choosing a camera, helpful hints and informbtion about galleries, clubs and societies. &5 For a copy of this booklet send a chjq or po sal ord r abl t BBC EducationS for £4.50 per copy & to: The Photo Show (C P Box 7 London W3 6XJ upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Links 610 BBC1 601 Select BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Satellite
P625 CEEFAX 625 Sun 28 May 01:48/47  8/10  EDUCATION  7££££££££££££ £££££ £££££££££ ££ £££££ QED: Cot Death &5 his specially commissioned publication includes practical action parents can take to reduce the risk of cot death. It includes inform tion about the late t research, a historical review of cot deaths and useful contacts providing further information. &5 For a copy of this booklet, send a &5 chjquj or postal order pa able to BBC EducationS for £3.00 per copy &5 to: QED: Cot Death (C) PO Box 7 London W3 6XJ &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Links 610 RE Focus 747 Select BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Satellite
P625 CEEFAX 625 Sun 28 May 01:25/07  9/10  EDUCATION  7£££££££££££££££££££££££ ££ £££££££ £ QED: Sex Acts &5 What separates the sexes is as much the way we act as biology. For some there's a painful mismatch between the body they inhabit and the &5 gender they feel thjm3el6es to be. This booklet looks at whjthjr it is time for a reclassification - three genders - or none at all! &5 For a copy of this booklet, send a &5 chjquj or postal order hpayable to BBC Education) for £3.00 per copy &5 to: QED: Sex Acts (C PO Box 7 London W3 6XJ &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Links 610 BBC1 601 Select BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Satellite
P625 CEEFAX 625 Sun 28 May 01:16/27  10/10  EDUCATION   £ £ £££ ££ £ £ Education Resource Packs The following video packs, designed specifically for education establishments, are also available. * Doorway to Dickens (primarily features Martin Chuzzlewit and &5 Hard Times* * Dead Man's Chest (the life and work of Robe t Loki Ste6enson) * Edith Wharton (covers The Buccaneers, The Age of Innocence and Ethan Fromj) &5 * Screening Middlemarch (19th &5 century novel - 90s television) &5 Please write to: BBC Educational Developments, Rm G417, White City, &5 201 Wood Lane, London W22 7TS &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Links 610 BBC1 601 Select BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Satellite