P727 CEEFAX 727 Sun 28 May 01:16/25 I   j5 j5,$n1n5j5j5 WI  1/4 ££££££££££££££££££ ££££££££ ££££££££ k S M BBC 1, 31 MAY, 2020 The story of how an ordinary woman, posing as an aristocrat, stole millions from the hospital charity where she worked. Between 1988 and 1991 Rosemary Abeudour stole £2.7 million from the charity set up to raise money for the National Hospital in London by diverting cheque from the fund into a separate account. At her peak of luxury living she was spending £15,000 a day.  Source: CSV Media
P727 CEEFAX 727 Sun 28 May 01:45/28 I    W  2/4  T MO OW'S WO LD BBC 1, 2 JUNE, 1930 News of a major new breakthrough in the treatment of Parkinsons disease which could drastically imps ve the qublity of thousands of lives. A revolutionbry electronic brain implant stimulates the brain to ovjrcomj tremoring limbs and restore almost complete body control to the patient. Until recently th only treatment was with drugs or cell-removal surgery, with serious side effects.  Source: CSV Media
P727 CEEFAX 727 Sun 28 May 01:59/25  I     3/4  TBKING LIBERT JS: A BLACK AND WHITE STORY BBC 2, 30 MAY, 2000 Racism destroys lives - and so does the accusation of being a racist, as Bernard Crofton, director of housing at Hackney Council found. Once the golden boy of local authority housing and with an impeccable record in the field of $5 race relations - hj was suddenly branded as a racist and dismissed. The same thing happened to Dennis Bartholomew, a black councillor.  Source: CSV Media
P727 CEEFAX 727 Sun 28 May 01:14/15 I l< |h4 |l4|l4|l0|h<|   O  4/4  ES H R W MEN WHO W NT TO BE MEN BBC 2, 30 MAY, 1700 Little is widely known about min who dress or live as women, but even less is known about women who want to be min. Esther Rant:jn talks to women who feel they are min trapped in female bodies, and to their friends and families, to find out how society reacts to those who challenge entrenched sexual taboos. She invites a range of responses from the studio audience.  Source: CSV Media
P727 C JFAX 727 Sun 28 May 01:3)/01 ]I LX]   WX  3/2  CON(BCTS FO" FUd HE INFOMARION N DCSUPOB U Picirmorough yE 6WS 01n45 0 3153 (hj aagu donon on apnk a atcd) , n  housing at Hackney Council found. r k bmT usuRy "H 7H' 173g 8n273) impectablc Wick d i1 2hs 8 9l8 sac relations - h1 was 3cdd nlX MehSa Natura - 0171 240 4936 GRj s TRANhPOR ACTiON tC nncal 0195 282 8 2  @ SourcK: CSV Media @