P711 CJEFA] 71 Sun015 Oct 12:25W28 ]  READHEAR [ MP CRITJCISES P—RTZ W^KWO BTJRZRUANE 2/9  Consju6ati6j MP alan HowpR5h h!; left his pbrty to join Labour. p Nj of Mt Howarth's reasons for leaving the ,or8 Party was his diusati1factinn with the Gg6eu&mint"u Di9abiliu8 BhmmW Hi has a disbdlih son, Charlie T10) and said that: "Q bm disbppointed that the CVNservbtidU Parhy hbs been sjiL as iquivncal...about civil rhghts for disabled people. "Drsi2l t(g& hQ1 Wok "rd&   assumption that we ought to legi;lard comprehensively so that the social p causes of all types of disability are rjmg6jd." 2   L Events Ljxtjrs Subtitles CmntyInfg
P711 CEEFAX0711 Sun 15 Oct 12:25/32  RDHER  COCHLd—R IMPFaGT0cRGUX OJ BYRZRUA Have you had a sochlear im8lant and are Pnlice i& Ireland Ta6j johned fgrrj2 youP cmrUrmstjncjsis t The BDA's Health Promotion Sju6ice is examjrhtguthg fuasibility of skjrQ 5 p a support groupior groues for people wighhsve tdd tgs p at n. Full detaigh from BDA Hsalth Pbomntion, Unit 17, Macon Court, Herald Drive, Criwe, Chesrrg CWt 1nA.r a . Cjmm niay p720 R2Ujli Gund 748 Envmrnnmyn 730 Ueli iuide 749 Evjnt3 Letters Subttules Amnt9Infm