P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 00:41/12   2/39   Advice   D-J  Dominican Republic Problems in Haiti ash not affecthn£ thu Dominian Republic. Tourist arias are a considerable distance from borders. However, visitors should keep informed of the latest djvelopmrnts. Petty crime is very infrequent, but tourists should take normal carr i.u do not leave valuable oz baggagr unattended in the car or on vhe beach. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 ' 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z AdviceS-P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 00:41    3/39   Advrce   D-J  Egypt 1/2 Since 1992 extremists have conducted a campaign of violence against the Egyptian Government, mainly in the Govjtnorates of Assist, Min:a, Sohag and Qjna, but occasionally elsewhere. Since late 1993 the jxttimiuts have warned foreigners not to visit Egz8t, most recently in late 1995. Since 1992 attacks on tourist targjtu have caused the death of two Britons and 3jvjral other foreigners and injured some 50 othjts. In the most recent incidents trains were fired upon about 60 km north of Loxor. Two tourist were slightly injured. 564 A-C 566 K AdviceS-P Flights UK E6rnty Travul
P565 CCEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dtc 0X:4    4O39   Advice   D-J  Eg|pt 2/2 Egypt remains a popular tourist destination and the authorities are giving the hightest priority to protecting visitors. In 1994, 230,000 Britons visited without experiencing security difficulty. B4z, a; in man= other places in the world, total security can njvjt bj guaranteed. Visitors should not ttavrl bz road, rail or river to or through the Govjtnorates of Minza or Assist unless they have essential businrss thjti. Be vigilant, behave and dress discreitl:. Foreign Office Travel 0374 500926 564 A-C 566 K AdviciS-P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 00:42/23   5/39   Advice   D-J  Ecuador Although some tension remains in the Galapagos, tour companies are opjtating normally again. Both airports are now open, as are the Darwin Station and Santa Cruz Park, but British tourists should rembin wary as trouble may flare up again. The Ecuador / Pitt ceasefire holds. The botdjt is open, but only crossings 1t Huaquillas or Macara should bj used as others may bj mined. Thjti are random sjcutity checks. Violent crimes, muggings and car- jackjngs have increased in Quito and Gubzbruil. 564 A-C 566 S AdviciS-P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 00:42/46   6/39  U Ad6iqe   f-J  Equatorial Guinea Although the general situation iu calm, there is some dangrt of political demonstrations leading to violence. British nationals are advised to bj cautious, to take care of their belongings and not to travel after dark. Thjte is no British Consular presence in Equatorial Guinea and in an emergency help should bj sought from French or Spanish embasvz in Malabo. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 u64 A-C k6v K]P unn 6-Z AdviciS-P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 0X: 3/1X   7/39   Advice   D-J  Eritrea There is no reason not to visit but the Sudan bozdjt should br avoidud. Normal safety precautions, such as not travelling after dark, should bj obsjrvjd. Visitors are advised to register with the British Conszlatj in Asmara (Tel 120145), particularly if they intend to travel outsidr the capital. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 412: 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z AdviceS-P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 00:43/33   </39   Ad6ice   D-J  Estonra Travellers should bj aware that crime, sometimes violent, doer take place and are advised to taku sensible precautions especially after dark. Car theft is a particular problem. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-U AdviceS-P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 00:43/56   9/39   Advice   D-J  Ethiopia Visitors should confine themselves to ricognisjd tourists arias including Rift Valley Larks, Addis Ababa and the Highland Tourist Route. Avoid travel after dark and take accomodation only in larger towns. Avoid 4i;8lays of money, camjtas etc as they may mark you out foz theft, mugging and hi-jacking which are increasing. Avoid all botdju arias, except thous brtwrun Ethiopia and Eritrea.Travel in region 5, Hararge and South of Ayba Minch should bj avoided if possible. Register at British Embassy if travelling bz road to arias outside capital (Tel:01 612354) Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-U AdviceS-P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 00:44/29   10/39   Advice   D-J  France 1/2 Because of the recent bombing cpmpaign and arrrsts, uxirciyj srnsiblu precautions particularly in official and 8ubliq placqs szch as aitpoyt;, railway and Metro stations and in British business premises. Avoid suspicious or unattended baggage, vehicles and packets and report immediately to the authorities. At the moment, travel is su6urul= disrupted. Apart from sjvjtal Eurostars between London and Paris, virtually no trains are running. Thu conditions are worst around Paris, and could deteriorate as strikes extend furthjt this week. 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z AdviciS-P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 00:44/42   11/39   Advrce   D-J  France 2/2 Contact your travel agent andOor transportation company before starting out, and when in France, consult Minitel (similar to Ceefax) and news broadcasts; the radio sjtvici Autorouti FM (107.7) provides information in English. 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z AdviceS-P Flights Evrnts US Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 01:45/07   12/39   Advice   D-J  French Polynesia (Tahiti) Recent civil disturbances in Tahiti have died down and the present situation is calm. k64 A-C 566aK-P 566 R-Z AdviciS-P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 01:45/38   13/39   Advice   D-J  Gabon The political tension which was evident last year has subsided. In the event of renewed political demonstrations, British nationals should uxetcisu caution, particularly in Libreville. The For ion and Commonwealth Office have no direct representation in Gabon. In an emjrgjncy, consular assistancu can bj arranged through any European Union Embassy in Libreville. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z AdviciS-P Flights US Evrnts Travrl
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 01:45/51   14/39   Advice   D-J  The Gambia Banjul has bren c lm since thu qou8 in July and events in Nov. 1994 and Jan. 199k and there have been no incidents involving tourists. The Foreign Office is no longer recommending that travellers post- pone their journeys. However the political outlook is uncertain and British nationals travelling to the Gambia should be aware that thu security situation could change without warning. Bitish nationals intending long stays should register with the British High Commission. Foreign Office Travel 0374 500 929 ' 574 A-C u66 K-P ;66 R-Z AdviceS-P Flights US Evrnts Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 2: Dec 00:46/14   15/39   Advice   2f-J  Georgia 1/3 Visits to most parts of Georgia can bj mads in relative safuty, although travel at night, outside the capital is not advised. The regions of Abkhazia and South Ossjtia should bj strictly avoided, as the situation is unpredictable. Russia has temporarily closed its bordjt with Georgia and Azerbaijan suspending all flights, road and sta traffic between North Caucasus and GeorgiaWAzjtbaijan. "egistet with British Embassy in Moscow: (7) X095) 230 6333. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 564 A-C 566 K-P u66 R-Z AdviciK-P Flights UK Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 01:46/47   16/39   Advice   D-J  Georgia 2/3 Uncontrolled possrsion of fhrjarms is widjspjad in Georgia. Health There is a diphtetia epidemic in many parts of Georgia. Vt5itoru should trek medical advicu about inoculations. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-U AdviciK-P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 2= Dec 01:47/01   17/39   Advice   D—J  Georgia 3/3 Incidents of mugging, theft and pickpockjting in all cities are increasing. Vi3itors should bj vigilant and are advised to dress down. It is safer to use officially marked taxis which shouldn't bj sPared with strangers. When travelling bz train, valuables should bj left in the compartment. Do not leave the compartment unattended. Ensure the door is quite secure from inside. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 u64 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z AdviciS-P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 01:47/24   18/39   Advtce   D-J  Ghana Ghana is genitally trouble free for visitors provided normal, sjnsiblu precautions are taken. It is not advisable to ttavjl outside the main towns bz road after dark because of the poor state of the roads. Medical facilities & communications are poor outsjdj urban arias and emjtgjncy facilities are extremely limitrd in the rvjnt of an accident Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z AdviceS-P Flights UK Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 01:47/47   19O39   Advice   D-J  Grenada Although relatively safe for tourists, visitors should take sj@si l@ pt cautions to raf@guard valuables at all times. They should seek local advice about wPich arias should be avoided and pay attention to personal security. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z AdviciS-P Flights UK Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 01:48/10   20/39   Advice O  D-J  Guatemala 2 ;/2 -iolint crime is privblint throughout Guatemala, esprcially in and around the capital and othjt tourist arias. Muggers are often well armed. Bi alert at all times, and do not travel alone, particularly at night. -ravjllirs to the country's more remote areas, such as the Petjn, should bj particularly careful, and should seek local advice before venturing out from the main towns. Armed robberies of public buses are common. Foreign Officr Travel 0171 270 41:9 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z AdviceS-P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CJEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 01:48/33   21/39   Advice   f-J  Gubtimala 2/2 Guerrilla attacks on military and economic targets occasionally occur. Dengue Fevjt is increasingly prevalent. Register with the British Embark= on arrival (tel:321601) for update. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 k64 A-C 56v K]P u66 6-U AdviciS-P Flights UK Events Travel
P565 CJ FAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 01:4:/4p   23/39   Advice   D-J  Guinea-Bissau There is a cholera epidemic in Guinea-Bissau at present.Visitors should bj aware that outbreaks of Cholera are occurring throughout the country. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z AdviciS-P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 01:49/43   24/39   Advice '/.%/.J/,@ JU o  J  Guyana Visitors should bj aware that violent crime, especially 'choke and rob' styli mugging remains a problem,particularly in Georgetown. Visitors should not walk alone at night especially in Georgetown and the aria of Stabroik Market. Also take precautions during daylight hours-mon't catty money/valuables. Typhoid is still present in Guyana. Malaria is pri6blint in all areas outside Georgetown.Visitors should ensure they have relevant inoculations. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z AdviceU-P Flights UU Events Travrl
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 01:50/17     Advice   D-J £ ££ @££@££  @ Haiti Commjtical aitlinjs are now operating regularly and some cruise ships have returned to the north coast of Haiti. rdinary crime and violence continues unabated and this is likely to increase as the elections, due late 1995/early 1996, draw near. British nationals intending to travel to Haiti are invited to contact either the British High Commission in Kingston, Jamaica (809 =26 9050) or the British Vice Consul in Port-au Prince, Haita (office 509 573 969) for advice. ' 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 25/39 AdviciU-P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 01:50/30   26/39   Ad6ice   D-J  Honduras Incidents of violent ctimj have increased sharply. Visitors should not wtar jiwelluty not carry largr amounts of cash. Exercise care, particularly at night, in the poorer areas of Tegucigalpa, j.g. Comaybguela, and also on the north coast around La Criba white cyimj against tourists has incriasrd. Bordjt points (except major ctossrngs) with Nicaraguar and El Salvador are best avoidrd. Road ttavjl at night is not advised. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z AdvjciS-P Flights Events UK Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 00:38/52   35/39   Advice   D-J '£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ Israel 1/2 There have been recent tjzrorist incidents in various parts of Israel, particularly bomb explosions in buses and the occasional rocket attack on Northern Israel from Lebanon. TensionOconfrontation pjtsi;ts in the Occupied Tjttitories including arias under Palestinian control. Although there is no direct threat to visitors, disturbances and rrsponsuvu srcurity measures could have an ajifct. Use experienced tour operators and Local taxi drivers to minimisj risks. Foreign Office Travel 0374 500 940 564 A-C 566 S-P 566 R-Z AdviceU-P Flights US Evrnts Travul
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 00 39/26   36/39   Advice   D-J  Israel 2/2 Tourists in the old city of Jerusalem should be on their guard against pick- pockets. All visitors should follow local events and contact the British Consulatr in Jerusalem (tel: 828281)-for the Witt Bank,Gaza Strip and Jerusalem- and Url Aviv (tel:5100497)-for Israel-or thrit tour representative. 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-U AdviciU-P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 00:99/39   37/39   Advicd   D-J  Jamqica  Most visitors enjoy trouble-frii holidays and measures have been taken to protect tourist arias. However, vigilance is advised outside the safit8 of one's hotel. +arch out for bag snatchjrsOchain grabbjts/pickpockets.Do not carry valuables/travel documents/ large amounts of cash, unnjsjssarily.If threatened with a weapon do not resist. Walking at night is not advised & avoid downtown Kingston where violence has increased recently. Trek advice from travel rjpresjntativrs, the Jamaiqan Tourist Board or British High Commission (Tel no: 809-946-9050) 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z AdvicrK-P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 00:40/02     Advice   D-J  Japan Life in Ko e continues to r turn to normal. All the main railwa8 lhnrs are now open, and watit and power supplies are fully restored. However, road traffic rjmajns congested dui to restrictions in many places. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 38/39 AdviciS-P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Fri 29 Dec 00:40/26     Ad6icd   D-J  Jordan The likelihood of violence against foreigners is low. Bi vigilant in central Amman. During pjtiods of political tension in the region, br on your guard, paztic4lazly in 8lpqrs associated with tourism (such as hotel entrances*. Furthjt advice is available bz telephoning the consular seation of the British Embassy in Amman (823100). Visitors to Jordan are reminded to dress modestly and behave courteously. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 39/39 AdviciS-P Flights US Events Travel