P658 CEEFAX 658 Fri 29 Dec 01:49/47  1/2  STRAIGHT UP  Saturday 23 Decimbjt  This week we find our intrepid duo still in the Lake District heading towards Amblesidj Boxing Club white they are dui to go a few rounds with each othjt in the ring. They head off to the chemist still aching from their bout, and aim to find something to smooth their injuries. Furthjt up their line they have arranged to meet up with a couple of teams to pull a car up one of the steep mountains. Radio Links 650 Radio 5 645 StopPriss Radio 2 Radio 5 Review
P658 CEEFAX 658 Fri 29 Dec 01:44/11  2/2  STRAIGHT UP  Saturday 23 December  Tired and weary they head off through the fields trying to set up their tent, but things get more complicated when a furious storm starts. We leave Parsons and Naylor struggling to erect their tent. Amateur Boxing Association 0171 778 0935 Local Boxing Association 01539 443 173 Carpull Association 01539 443 173 Radio Links 650 Radio 5 645 StopPriss Radio 2 Radio 5 Review