P733 CEEFAX 733 Tue 20 Feb 1::24/40   1/2    /, /,$  U L H D P LL CCO United Nations experts are expected to call for an international acco d to cut The "dirty dozen", or persistent organice pollutants (POPs), have been blamed for a global drop in spj m counts and a rise in cancer deaths. Lars Norhbetg of the UN's Economic Commission for Europe has said it is on of t most rug nt pollutio problems we face today". Hi also adds that there is increasing inc that POP ca g j at c nc an m g h m n r pro ctiv rem x Pa t Cmnty nfo R legion
P733 CEEFAX 733 Tue 20 Feb 19:16/25   2/2     UN W LL LAUNCH BID FOR PO LUTJON ACCOR United Nations jxpjrts are to call for an international accord on "dirty pollutants (POPs*. Sci ntists b li j that PO s ar responsible for increases in low sperm counts and the number of cancer deaths. Th " try do n" are the 12 wot t pollutants and they include chemical t C r by combustion and pesticides like DDT - which is banned in some countries. It is hoped an accord will b cr ated xt Pag a t m t