P162 CJJFAX 162 Mon 27 May 00:34/41     -/.%/.%/,  WORLD  THOUSANDS SUPPORT BURMESE DEMOCRACY Some 8,000 people have gathered outsjdj the home of Burmese djmoctacy leadjt Aung San Usu Rye, in a show of support for her party. The crowd was the largest opposition gathering in years. Earlier today she went ahead with a conference for her democracy party despite the govjrnmjnt's bid to stop her bz jailing about 300 supporters. It was the first such meeting since the party won the elections in 1990. Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Summary 102 Dispatch 190 Index 199 Next News Politics Newsround TV/Radio
P162 CEJFAX 162 Mon 27 May 00:11/20 h -n1n1 &j5,j5j5/| h   WORLD £££££££ £ ££££££££ ££££££ £ £££ £££££ HO SAND SUPPORT B MES E OCR CZ Some 8,:89 xjopfi hasj0gQzhrrud0o5t;jdr the home of Burmjuj djmoctacy leader Aun San Usu K show of support for her party.  j ow as th lat st o os tion gathering in years. Katlier today she went ahead with a c fit nce for her d mo acy p t d p t e go j nm nt jd t top j bz ailing a o t 3p0 supporters. Qt wa e first h nee ng i ce t e parry won the elections in 1990. om li i 30 Wo l 60 -HOUSA.DS S+PPOTT B+5MESE DEMOCRACY Next News Politics Niwsround TV/Radio