P564 CEEFAX k64 Mon 27 May 00:1(/24     Advice   A-C £ £ £££££ ££££ £££ ££ £ ££ TRBVEL ADVICE UNIT The Foreign Office advises against all travel to the following: A G A S GOL U N I IRBQ VAMMU & KASHMIR LJBERJA SOMALIA TBJJSSAN WJSTJRN SAHARB l s on int al bus nets, hj v c is not to t ave to: Bosnia Herzegovina Congo Rwanda Siira Ljonj Za ri Since 24 April 1996: Travel Adv c Uni Tel: 0171 238 4u03/4u04. Fax: 0171 238 4545 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S 1/53 FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CJEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:10/16 ]   Advice   A-C AFGHANIST N The Foreign Ofeice advised against travel to Afghanistan, bjcausj of continuing tension between Afghan g oups has l o t r ask f f ht n Those insisting on travelling should check before setting out. There is no resident mjssjon in Afghanistan for consula h lp hj Brit i h Commission in Pakistan tel: 00094 51 822131/5 can only provide limited advice. Armed conflict may pose a threat to civil aircraft. Some carriers avoid Afghan airspace. It i; possible to check direct ot with a travel agent. Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S 2/53 FCO C-G EuroIndjx Genital Headlines
P564 CEJFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:10/38     !dvice O  A-C £ £ ££ £ £ ££ £ £ ALBANIA 1/2 Foreign visitors and thieu vehicles are an attractive target for criminals. Avoid remote areas, keep vbluables secure and do not reveal large amounts of cash. Tbkj care when in rural areas. Travel with a local guide who can ensure that local customs and traditions are nor inbdvjrtantly breached. Driving standazds are low and special care is njedjd on the roads. ' 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S 3/53 FCO C-G EuroIndjx@ General Headlines
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:40/20     Advice ^^ @AC  ALBANiA 2/2 n ca j of em tgnncies, th h Embassy is sjtubted at Rruga Vaso Pasha 7/2, 1st floor, Tjrana, Albbnia^ Telephone nos: 00 355 42 34973/74/75 565 D-I 5e J-O 567 P-S 4/53 FCO C-G EuroIndjx Genital Headlines
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:2#/57 W|l*|l4|,    Advice   A-C  ALG R A 1/2 Visitors should not travel to Algeria in view of the high security threat to foreigners. Rem inin British r s d nus should review their position and unless their circumstances afford them effective leave. The attack near Ghardaia on 5 May in which fire foreign nationals including a British citizen were killed, demonstrates that the presence of a miltiary guard may not bz itself bj sufficient to ensure such effective pros ction. ' 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S 5/53 FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CJJFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:16/31     Advice   A-C £££££C££ ££ £££££££C£££££ £ £££££££££ ALGERIA 2/2 Around 100 foreign visitors & residents including two British residents, have been killed since Sept 1993. Furthjt attacks on Wjsternjrs must bj expected. All British nationals should make thieu whereabouts know to the Embassy in i $hj land border between Algeria and Morocco is closed. 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S 6/53 FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 0X:1:/56     Advice   A-C £ ££££ ££ ££ ££££££££££££££££ ££££££££ ANGOLA 1/2 Bri is tourists ar a d not to visit Angola. Business visitors are advised that Luanda is calm and following the peace agreements between the Govjtnmjnt and +nija thjrU have been only sma\l kcali ceasjfirc violations in other parts of the country. Yowivje, banditry and atmjd hold-ups, including car-jackings, are common with expatriates as the main targets. Foreign Officu Travel 0171 238 4503/4 ' 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S 7/53 FCO C-G EuroQndjx Genital Headlines
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:10/+8  |l |,@   Advice   A-C  ANGOLA 2/2 Extreme caution should be taken in Lu nda particularly in the arly Travel outs dj th cap sal should only bj undertaken after seeking advice from an accredited organiuatiom in Angola. $hose ttavjlling outsjdj Lubnda should be aware that many areas of the country are still mined and precautions should bj taken when ttavjlling by road. Two British citizens weti killed bz a landmine in Luanda Mott in January. For i n Offi Trav l 017 38 4503/4 565 D-I u66 J-O 567 P-S </53 FC C-G EuroQndjx General Headlines
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 May X0:27/12   9/53   A4vice   A-C ARMINUA 1/3 Mugging, theft, pick- pocketing in all cities is increasing. Visitors should bj vigilant and dress down.!Keep expensive items out of sight. Use officially marked taxis and don't shari with sttangjrs. On trains stoke leave compartment unattended. Secure door from the inside with a wire of strong cord. -hike is a ljphthjria epidemic in mbnz parts of Armenia. Seek medical advice about inoculations. 6 D- 6 J-O 67 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndex General Headliner
P564 CJJFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:23/32     Advice TOL  A-C aRMENI! p 5/3 Despite a ciasj fire, border areas with Azerbaijan should bj avoided owing to conflict Wvjr Nanojny @ Katabakh. p Q @pd p Avoid ttavjlling outside the capital at nYght. if maintenance i; properly oRser6jd.  You are advised to fly djrrculy to your ejstinbtion on cn intetnbtio\A\@fYiGht erom outsjdj the ForYer Soviet Union. Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4 ' 565 D-+ 566 J-O 567 P-S 10/53 FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headliner
P564 CJEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:97/29   )1/53   Advice   A-C Brijish visitors to Armenia should register with the Consular Section of Tel: 7 095 956 7200 Fax: 7 095 965 7420 a h @@ b@p @ @ @ @@ @ Foreign Office Travel 0171 438 4503/4 P S FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headliner
P564 CJ FAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:1:/3s '|l4|l4|,  12/53 WO^ U A-C  AUiUU^Ug@B Travellers to Australia whowj journey will involve overflight of Afghanistan from military activity to civil aircraft ovjtflyjng Afghanistan using routes V668, A466, G202 and V848. ! Some airlines continue to use thjsj routes. Others, including British carriers, use alternative routes, V876 assjsvjd as minimal. Travjllets should crick dipnct .i-bztpwiuhutrav0l a;jnts or aitlinjs which routes individual aisle.js are using. 56k D-I u66 J-O u67 P-S FCO C-G EuroInhjx Genital Headlines
P564 CJEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:37/43   13/53   Advice O  A-C AZEfBAIJAo e Passports should be carried at all times. Although a ciasj-fire in the Nagorno Karabakh has bjim in place since May 1994, travel to this region should bj av#idjd. It is not known whjthjr maintenance procedures on aircraft used on internal flights are always properly obsjrvjd. where possible to fly directly to their destination on an international flight originating outside the formjt Soviet +neon. ' u6k D-I 5n6 J-O *67 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CJEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:1Q/45   14/53   Advice   A-C ££££ £££ £ £ £ £££££ £ £ ££££ £ AZI"BAIJAN 2/2 Street crimes are increasing in all cities. Recent incidents against foreigners have included robberies from homer and have in some cases been violent. Be vigilant and dress down. Use officially marked taxis which you should not shari witQ sttangjrs. Foreign Office Travj\ 0172 2s8 4k03/4 D - P- FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CEECAX 564 Mon 27 May (0:21/42 ] 15/53   Advice   A-C BA B TPjri lbvj bee] a numdjr of security incidents in r cent weeks including two arson bttacSs on restaurants outside Manama, one resulting in loss of life. Hotels have recently been the target of minor bomb attack; and isolate4 casts ooQvbndelisZ continue. T Exercise caution and avoid village areas, particularly after dark. Obsjtvj local security precautions and respect religious and social sensitivities. If you need furthjt information on arrivbl Bahrain, please call the rite h m z on 53 4 4 FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:12/41 W|l4|l4|, ]  16/53   Advice   A-C ££ £££££££££££££££££££ ££££ C£££££££££ BANGLAD@SH 1/3 Reported troop movements in Bangladesh following the dismissal of the Chief of Army Staff on 0 Ma have largely ceased and the situation is now calm. The Opposition have now abandonud their non-cooperation programmj. Bus n us is normal. Visitors are able to move freely but large political demonstrations or ralli s ma become v olent. Intense political campaigning is expect d prior to fr sh elections on 12 June. '] u6k D-I 0uvv J-O u67 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx Genital Headlines
P564 CJEFAX ;64 Mon 27 May 00:11/01 |l4|, | 7 5   Advice   A-C ££££££££££££££££ ££££££ ££££ ££££ £ £ BANGLBDESH 2O3 Poor driving and vehicle maintenance as well as unlit or poorly lit buses and lorries are the cause of frequent Major roads between towns are frequently subject to night time armed bandjtty.!Avoid travel on thjsj roads after dark. Travellers to Bangladesh whose journey will involve ovrrflight of afgh1ni;t n should bj aware thbt there are threats from military activity to civil aircraft ovjtflyjng Afghanistan on routes V668, A466, G202 an V848. 56 D 66 J- 67 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx Genital Headlines
P564 CJEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:12/03  ]   Advice   oz*p0 A-C ££££££££££££££££££££££ £££££ £ ££££££££ Some airlines continue to use this routes. in u1j alceL Fo rot s, @ @ 4 o3 wSich sol t at 2s minimal. Trav ll rs sh m4 check jtic either with t avjl age ts or aijli es which ro{sew i dividual a rl njs at New arrivals should r gistit with the High Commits o . Tel Dh ka 0 8 2705 ' k a-I w A JpO 567 P-S C G o n x Gi j al dlinjs
P564 CEEFAX 554 Mon 27 May 00:12/12 /|lu|l4|, ] 19/53   Ad6ice O  A-C C £££ £ £ £ ££ £ £££££££££££ £ £££££ BANGLADESH 3/3 Some airlines continue to use thjsj routes. Oth s, including all British carriers, use alternative routes, V876 and V500, on which the threat is assessed as minimal. Traveller; should chrqk direct which router individual airlines are using. New arrivals should register with the High Commission. Tel Dhaka 02 882705 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CJEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:14/14     Advice EI  A-C BELARUS 2/2 For their safety travellers are advised where possible to fly directly to their destination on an international flight originating outside th former Sov et Union. p Flights to internal or other CIR destinations are subject to cancellations or long delays. Eoreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S 20/53 FC C-G uroIn jx General Headlines
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:1 /39   21/53   Advice   A-C CCCCCCC BELIZE Many pjopl@ vjsjt Belize without experiencing difficulty. Travellers hould war th t the has been an incteasj in muggings and violent ctimj involving fircarms. @ hRh d h p R Avoid dark alleys, keep vbluables out of sight, do not wear jewellery. Travel in groups to minimisj risk and travel inland is best accompanied by a guide. 565 D-I 5m6 J-O 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx Genital Headlines
P564 CEJFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:18/36   22/47   Advice   J-C  BENIN Travsl is generally safe bur drivnng are oe naan y fir t ny ar hnuld bi avoi jd as roads are poo ly lit. t  Tf m lginl add eu aooal 1sjay t 1 th% coiVjycia@lcapltaleCotojou anwisomt aighd other arias. Br vigilant. Avoid unlit side streets. Tjj h, anima s in th rnad pin Cns a til: 301120 can only give limited help in an emergency. Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 45(3/4 '] 56k j-w P$6 \-O u6h P-S FCO K-G KuInIndj nCRaa s adpinj
P564 CEJFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:3X/:5   23/53   Advice   A-C  BOSNIA-HERCJGNVINA The Foreign Ofici advise to exetci j and H tcigovjna. Although a pjacj agreement has bjun sjgnjd, the situation remains unstable and isolated security incidents continue tg occur. -here are no air services into Bosnia of transport. Avoid all but essential ttavjl. Incidents of vehicle hijacking and armed assault are still reported. Before travelling seek advice from the British Embassy, Sarajevo,tel 44442: 565 D-I 566 +-O 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:3:/4:   24/53   Ad6ice OE j5 z5oz*p0 a-C BRAZIL h is dig c i rat in major cities particularly in Rio dj Janeiro and Sag Paulo. Do not resist muggjts - they are normally armed. When out walking, dress down, avoid wearing jewellery or expensive watches, keep wallets and cameras concealed. Deposit vbluables in hotel sbfes. In Rio dj Janjiro taxis and the metro are much sbfer than buses or trams. Avoid the old central area of Sag Paulo after dark.Drug trafficking is a growing problem, do not carry anything you h ve no p ck out elf. For i n Offic Travel 0172 238 4u03O4 ' u6k D-Q u66 J-O 567 P-S FC C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:19/57   Advice   A-C (RU0%I % @@ @@@ @@@ @ @ @ @h @ Travellers to Brunei whos journey will involve overflight of Afghanist n over lying Afghanistan. Some airlines contUnue to use thjsj routiJ.HOthjts, including all British carriers, use alternative routes, V876 and V500, on which the threat is assjssjh as mjnjkal. Travellers should check direct either with travel agents or airlines which router individual aitlinjs are using. 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndtx Genital Headlines
P564 CJJFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:13/00 W|l4|l4|, ' 6/53  U Advice W  A-C CCCCCCCC BU5 N I j @ Bti l t o l vi j n to travel to Burundi at p esjnt. The political and security situation throughout Burundi is exttjmsly tense. A night curfew is in force in thu capital, Bujumbura, and travel is not recommended after duskn It is dangjtous to travel by road outside BujuZbuta at any time. (hj BritUsh Ambassbdor in Kigali, Rwanda, is accredited to BuruWd on a non-resident basis. Thjti is no resident British mission in Bujumbzra. ' 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:3:/22   7/53   Advice   A-C ££ £ £ ££ ££ £ £££ BULGARIA The incidence of robbery with violence against foreigners has increased recently^ Visitors should not accept any food or drink from sttangets as there iu a risk it may bj drugged^ Vehicle theft, including armed hijacking, has become more frequent. There hbvj also been shootings in gangs. Be vigilant at all times. Fo ion Offic T avjl 017 238 4 3/4 ] u65 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:39/28 /|l4|l4|, ]   Advice O @ £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ BURVQN FBS 1/2 Burkjnb Fbso is genitally a sbfe place to visjG, bic c imi al incidents o u p8rticulaily aft r d r . a @ The exttimj north has experienced some ov tsp ml from the Tzprhu con icu elements rembim active. A7 epjdMmic os mj s affecting western Africa. Approximat9ly 7000 cases have been reported in BurSjnb Faro. Intending travellers should seek medical advice. u65 H-I uf6 J-O 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:34/25   29/53   Advice   —-C ££ £££ £ £ ££££ £ £££ £ ££ ££££ BURKINA FARO The British rips sjntativj is the Honorary Consul in Ouagadougou, tel: He can provide only limited as@istance in an emjrgjncy. 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CJEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:13/24 ]—}\4|l*|, b]Tl< | @ @h0/@@ O  A-C ££££££££ ££££ ££ £ £££££££££££££££££ BURMA (MYANMAR* 1/2 Tourists to Burma (M{bnmar) are required to keep to officially dUsignated tourist areas, travelling only by train, road or air. @ Cycling, hiking ot ballooning are fi ml d scot age Vis o s b lso eaci unwelcome attention from the local authorities. Do no nt th u tt ro o permitted at several points on the bord rs with Chjnb, bzt this canno bj gauranteed and advice should bj sought b or f o t j ur j ut or t ] 565 D-I 566 V-O 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:39/49 /|l4|l4|,  31/53   Advice   A-C  B GEAMYANA 212 Requests to enter the country bz privbti ybcht have been refused. This is unlikely to change in the future. Uisitors should not photograph military installations or pjtsonnjl. For further information contact the British Jmdassz in Rbngoo] (Yangon* til: 5:53p0, 2:5309, 28 92: 565 D-I u66 J-O 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CJEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:26/p8 W|l4|l,|,  32/53   Advice O  A-C £ £££ £££ ££ £££ £££££££ ££££££ £ CAMBODIA p 1/2 There is still banditry and fighting in some arias. Small numbers of Khmer Roug t oops in sjv sal part of the country remain a potential threat. Excetcisj caution, jvjn in Phnom Punh. Visitors are stqongly bdvjsjd not to travel outside the capital by road, rail or boat. When visiting the temples at Angkor, travel bz air to Seem Reap airport, remain within the main temple complex and do not travel to Banteaz Srii ou otXjr outlying temples. 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx Gunjtal leadtinrs
P564 CEJFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:40/09   Advice O  A-C B Do not cross the Thailand or Laos bordjts. The area within Cambodia'u rav ll s whose jot jy to C mbod a will involve flying over Afghanistan rom eli ary ct v ty to ai c aft using routes V668,A466LG202 & V848. carriers use alternative router V876 and V50 , on wh ch h thu at i assessed as minimal. Chuck first which i d v u ro t s jink sj . 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 C JFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:3W/59 =/}l4|l |, -l< @ |@ 3 /53   Advice O^ ] j5 z5oz p0 A-C  CAMEROON 1/2 Thjti has been a big incteasj in ole u in ca ng and muggings particularly in Yaounde and Douala. Sensible precautions should bj taken. Do not walk around town after dark. Avoid carrying vbluadlis. Highway robbjtiis in the north of the country appear to have been brought undjt control. If ttavjlling between Maroua and the Chadian border, seek advice from the local police and bj prepared to ttavjl with a military escort. Thjte ate incidents of banditry 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx Genital Headlines
P564 CEJFAX 564 Mon 27 May X0]40/17   35/53   Advice  ]  A-C £££££££ ££ £££££££ £££ ££££ ££££££ £ Camrtoon /2 Other parts of the country remain relatively calm and there are no travel restrictions. Visitors should bj aware that it is not known whjthjr airlines from Cameroon, operating domestic and intitnationbl (other than European) sjtvices, cazry out maintainancj procedures to international standard;. British nationals should register with the British High Commission, Yaounde tel: 2205 4542 0796 or British Embassy, Yaounde: 220545/796 ' u65 D-I :66 J-O 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CJEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:34/10   36/53   Advice   A-C C CAPE VERDE There is a cholera epidemic. All islands, except Sal, St Nicolas and St Antao have been affected. Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4 ' 565 D-I 566 JZO 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx Genital Headlines
P564 CJJFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:45/Q1   37/53   Advice I  A-C CJNTRBL AFRICAN REPUBLIC 1/2 Wj advise against travel to Cjnttal Africa Republic until the situation improves. The recent army mutiny has made thu security situation in Bangui vjty unsafe. Travjllets should not attempt to visit Bangui until the situation returns to normal. 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx Genital Headlines
P564 CJJFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:14/28  ]  38/53   Advice IWO  A-C CJNT5—L AFRJC!N REPUBLIC 5/2 Travel in the rUst of the country is reasonably safe but bjcausj of h had and Su n ot the j s are best avoided. The have been reports of looting in There is currently no British Honorary Consul in Bangui. In the event of an e jug y t j Fr ch or G n Embasvies will offUj help. u65 D-I u6v J-O 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx Genital Headlines
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:34/34   39/53 n n j5÷!u{4j5 5 Advi  j5 z5oz%p0 A-C Bi@vigilant at all times.QManz incidents involve undisciplined members factions. If possible avoid the Aouzo Strip on the border with Libzb; rural areas nrar the Su an sj bo and in th South; and the area around Lake Chad. British nationals are not specific ta g . j st ongly adv s ga n travjllin at n Pa sc oks attention to all military road blocks. D-I 66 J-O 567 P- FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:34/31 7|l4|l4|,  40/5s   Advice   A-C  CHAD 2/2 For the latest local dvjc , pleas contact tPj British High Commission in Abuja on 5232010/ 3 011/52 7 For!ion Office Trav@l 017z 238 4503/4 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CJEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:34/48 ]   Advice   A-C C CHINA 1/3 All British passport holders muet obtain the necessary visa (even for transit) before entering the country. Eollowing the earthquake on May 3, sjtmUceu have been disrupted in Gui Yang County, Innit Mongolia. Avoid the a a Many major hot l in th L jiang aria (Southwest China) remain damaged. All airp#rts and highwazv have ri- o jn Muggings in the main cities, sexual harassment and crime on trains Que increasing. Foreigners are now regular targets. 65 67 / FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 0X:3 /54   42/53   Advice O /. /, j5 z5oz*p0 A-C '££££££3£££££££££££+£££££££££££3££££££££ CHINA 2/3 The Trans-Sibjtian Railway is noted for smuggling. Search your compartment for secure your door. Areas bordering on Rib tia, Pakistan, Vietnam, Laos and Burma are poozl= policed, Drug smuggling and related crimes are on the increasr in Yunnan. The Karacorum and Khunjerab pass routes can bj hazardous and lawless and during the Summer months landslips are common. Kashgar is poorly policed with ctimj increasing and inte nal travel iu difficult. Bi aware it is a muslim area so visjjors rho h d est accor ingly. 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:34/52 W|l4|l4|,  43/53   Advice  /,  A-C  CHINA 3/3 n t l / t B iris Only Air China, China0Southjtn, Chuna Eastern and Shanghai airlines are liivj to car y out int nationally recogniujd maintenance procedures. Sndjpjndjnt travellers ate advisjm to register with the British Jmbassz, Consulate-General, Shanghai 4330508 ' 565 D-I 566 J-O u67 P-S FC C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CJEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:45/16   44/53 n1n j5÷!s{4j5{5 dvtc W  A-C Prior permission is required from the Chinjsj authorities for travel to Visitors should avoid becoming involved i demonstrations o call fo Tibetan Indjpjndjnce. Video-taping or photo- graphing any such activUties would bj regarded as provocative. At some local border crossings local officials have demanded increased travel permit fees and have sometimes resorted to violence to secure payment. Exercise caution in dealings with uniformed officials. D 6 J- 67 P-S CO CJG EuroIndjx General Headlumju
P564 CJJFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:1+/1+   45/53   Advice   A-C C £ £ ££ £ £ £ £ CHINA - ( JBET 2 The local authoresSes will react o n Tibetan nationals for posting in ouhit countries. Pe s jon is@no lly i eh to take o n Negotiate f es bjforePand. (ravjllers should exetci3j caztion in dealings with uniformed officials. ' V6r D-I u66 J-O u67 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx Genital Headlines
P564 CJJFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:4:/23   46/53  j5÷!s{4j5{5 Advice  ]  —-C ££££££££££ £££££££ ££££££££££££££££££££ TUNbjao f n @* Prior pjtmiss o is required from the him sj authotiti s for travel t Tibet. Additional to China advice: Visitors should avoid becoming involved in demonstrations or calls for Tibetan Independence. Video-taping ot 8hoto- graphing any such activUties woul regarded as provocative. At some local border rossjngs loc l officials have d manded increased travel p tmi fees an h vj son timer resorted to violence to sjcur pa mj t. xe ci cauti n in d alin s w h u o offi ial 56 D- :66 J-O u67 P-S FC C-G EuroIndjx General Headliner
P564 CJJFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:45/:0   47   Advice   A-C CONGO /2 British Nationbls should consider whjthjr their journey is essential before travelling to Congo. Exercise caution at all times. Vijlencj and bandi ty is on the increase in Point Noise Xparticularly in the p#rt0area), Brazzbvjlli and the routes between. British nationals should register on arrival and keep in touch with the British Honorary Consul1 in Brazzaville As follows: 565 D-I u66 J-O 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 Ma| 00:22/47   48/53   Ad6jci ^I  A-C CONGO 2/2 Mr Dominique Picard on 833)43 or 838527 (officeQ and 837257 (home). In The Embassy in Kinjshasb0can bj contacted at all times on Tjlecel 44;27,46101 or Satcom 871 1445467 Fax <71 44547p. 2  565 D]I 566 J-O *67 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CJJFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:44/42   49/53   Advice O T A-C CONGO British Nationals are advised not to vjsjt Congo unless essential. Point Moi is r lativjly calm but viol mci and banditry is on the increase also in Bray:avjlle. The sits tion could dike iorate quickly. Nationals should register on arrivbl with the Honourary British Consuls in Brazzaville: M Dominique Picard on 833443 or 836216. In Point Moire M Peter Lee on 944281 Embassy in Kinjshasa can bj contacted at all times on Tjlicel 44923,46101 or Satcom 871 1445467 Fax 871 1445 70. ' u6k D-I uvn J-O u67 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:48/:4   50/53   Advice   A-C COSTA RJCA @ Most visits to Costa Rica are trouble specifically targeted at touriutu. In recent months thjti have been two armed robdjrieu of tourist groups and + $ cYbrhvoN Eng 7u 69 7 2 Gang muggings can occur even in day- erg[, cars is comZon. Do not wKar cash. Tbkj precautions when chbnging money with street monTy changers. 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S FCO C-G ku{wIndex Genut1n Clrpdtinjy
P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:25/58 /|l4|l4|, ]@ 51/53  j5÷! { j {5   A-C  COTE D'IVOJRJ Cote d'Ivoiri has its f ll thar ov st t c i j, r robbj y and ca thjfu.b In Abidjan, the incidence of mugging is particularly high on the two bred s, so avoid crossing thjsj on foot. and thjrj'u a possibility of jurthjr unpr@hictabli violence accompanied by a strong criminal element. The current outbreak of Ebola is so far limited to the south west frontier. Swimm n off the coast is extremely hazardous dui to strong ump ihictabli curt ts. D owning m o For ion Offic Tra l 0 7 2 8 503/ u65 D-I 566 J-O 67 P S FCO C-G EuroIndjx Genital Headlines
P564 CJJFAX 564 Mon 27 May 00:42/48   5 /55  n1 ÷!s{4j5{5 Ad ic   A-C  ££££££ £££££££££ £££ (UN Sector East). Trav ll r should xc tcis caution in areas bordering Bosnia-Hetcegovina/ Montenjgjo, including the Prjvlaka movement ma bj ncounti id. Visitors should bj aware of and take local advice on the presence of affected by war damage. Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S FCO C-G EuroIndjx General Headlines
P564 CEJFAX 564 Mon 27 May p0:14/24 |l |l |, l< |   Advice   A-C Vi tors should bj on th al t fo ba Do not carry large amounts of cash when away from your hotel. rav ll ch que , c d t cards, passpo ts an oth t importa t pot a Foreign Office Travel: 0171 27p 412 565 D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S FCO C-G JuroIndjx General Headlines