P169 CEEFAX 169 Sat 8 Jun 23:07/43 |l4|l4|,  -n1n1 WORLDNEWS -/.%/.%/,  IN BRIEF RUSSIA American challenger to the World Chess Federation title Gata Kamskz has squared his match with holder Anatoly Karpov at one game all. The match was th s cond of 20 gam s. US Pr sidjnt Clinton has announc d measures aimed at a wave of 27 arson attacks ovj 18 months against black churches across the American South. They include an information hotlinj. GHANA A ship carrying nearly 500 r fug f om L b ia and oth w t African countries is to bj allowed to dock at a port in Ghana, the UN r ports Summ ry 10 Politic 130 Wo ld 1 Headlines 101 Home 110 Flash 150 Newsround World Dispatch W athjt