P203 CEEFAX 203 Sun 8 Jun 00:04/21   1/5  THE HOUSING GAME  If you choose to sell your house via an estate ag nt, you can opt fo s l o multiple agency. hj formj m ans th t one jstat agent has jxclus vj rights to the sal and is usually the more expensive option. h t last o a i t on two or more agents' books. hi t s to b c a though m an ly t ark that h g nt r l s motivated to make a sale than thry would bj under the single scenario. Wjikjnd Sport 300 TV/Radio 600 ravel r po t 500 Wjathj 400 Annuity Update 204 Mortgages 260 pd t Arriv ls Stocks UT Pan l
P203 CEJFAX 203 San 8 Jun 23:05/21   2/5 | H H USIN GAM  property, pripar partiq4lars, proved a sale board and organisj viewings. Ag t ar bound b Th Prop t Misd sc prion Act to i sue acc rat details of your property. or via anothjt agent, you could find yourself in troubl . The sole agent may be legally entitled to pursue your for the agreed pj centagj of the price. Annuity Updat 204 Mortgages 260 Updat Arrivals Stocks UT Pan l
P203 CEEFAX 203 San 8 Jun 23:05/41   3/5  THE HOUSING GAME   £££££££££££ £££££££ £££££ ££££££ Many people are now by-passing agents and opting for do-it-yourself sal s. You can do this by placing a small ad in you local p whi h cor d c t th n om £ up a d , d p d n on the paper's circulation. hj advjttisjmjnt papjt, Loot, offers a property sj vic and provides you with a sale boa d and a vjndo pack. You have to put in a lot more time and effort this way but can save thousands of pounds. You must, however, abide by The Property Misdescriptions Act. rav l r po ts 500 ash 400 Annuity Update 204 Mortgages 260 pd t ri l Sro s U P n
P203 CEEFAX 203 Sat 8 Jun 23:56/16   4/5  n1 | U  Research shows that up to 40% of homes ar v a l oa t ng A large proportion of buzjrs cures a chosen area bz car and spot propjrtiis th i oar s h n cha th m . You should make sure you home looks in good condition to the naked eye, as first impressions count. Last year, a report by the Alliance & L icest found that many potential th w l a u to bj neat, tidy and well car d fo rather than newly decorated throughout. av po t 0 h 4 0 Annuity Updat 204 Mortgages 260 Update Arrivals Stocks UT Panel
P203 CEEFAX 203 San 8 Jun 23:04/41   5/5 n T  Once price, location and size have been satisfied, th " al clinchers" fo a house sale can bj very small indeed. Estat ag nt s that a n at, w ll looked aft house has th upp hand in a mark t plac compare to similar properties lacking the homely touch. Big turn offs for potential buzjrs are said to bj grubby bathrooms and di t dishes in a sink - even in a newly fitted kitchen. Man hots tnt plac gr at sro on the stat of gardens too. Trav l r po ts 500 W ash t 400 Annuity Updat 204 Mo tgages 260 Update Arrivals Stocks UT Panel