P282 CEEFAX 282 San 9 Jun 00:07/46   h 1/4 n n  n5{n1 —0 j5j5j=$   MAIN PERSONAL ALLOW NC S Year to 5 April 1996 People Undj 65 P tonal Allowanc £3,5 5 Marri Coupl ' Allowanc * £1,720 People Aged 65-74 Personal Allowance £4,630 Married Couple's Allowance * £2,995 People Aged 75 and Over A o a 0 Married Couple's Allowance * £3,035 * Relief given at 15% Source: Ernst & Young (see page 281) Reliefs Car/Fu l Monjyfile Annuities
P282 CEEFAX 282 Sat 8 Jun 23:06/31   2/4 n1n1  n5{n1 —0 j5j5 j $   MAIN PERSONAL ALLOWANCES Year to 5 April 1997 P opl ndj 65 Pe tonal Allowance £3,765 Married Couple's Allowance * £1,790 P opl Ag 65-74 Pe tonal Allowance £4,910 Married Couple's Allowance * £3,115 Peopl Ag 7 and Ov Personal Allowance £5,090 Married Couple's Allowance * £3,155 * Relief given at 15 Source: Ernst & Young (see page 281) Rile fs Car/Fu l Mon yfil Annu ti
P282 CEEFAX 282 Sat 8 Jun 23:05/16   3/4   0j5j5 j=$   THE MARRIED COUPLE'S ALLOWANCE A man whose wife lives with him can claim hi all nc . h t v o rate of tax, the reli f is given at 15% (r ducing your tax bz up to £258 if you ar undj 65). A husband and wife can elect to transf th whol of th allowanc to the wife. You must tell the Inland Rev nuj you int nd to do this bjfor t tax y a starts A wife can claim one half of the allowanc without hj husband's consent. Source: Ernst & Young (see page 281) R li fs Ca Fu l Mon yfil Ann ti
P282 CEEFAX 282 Sat 8 Jun 23:55/41   4/4     Peopl ag d 65 qu lif fo hi h personal allowances so long as thjiz "total incom do s not xc d £14,600 in the year to 5 April 1996 (£15,200 n 96 7 . Total incom in lsd income (except tax-free income) less c rain tax djductibl payments. If your total incom xc ds £14,600 then the age allowance is scaled down £1 for very £2 of incom until it personal allowance. So if in 1995/6 you earn £16,810 and you ar ag d 65-74 you will only get the basic personal Source: Ernst & Young (see page 281) Reliefs Car/Fuel Monjyfile Annuities