P575 CEEFAX 575 Sun 9 Jun 00:Z4/0     W S/'$/.!/& OJZZ \ I     South & South East Jun 8-9 All Sun Buses riplacr ttaun1 3it{run Stteatham Hill-Crystal Palace-'jut Cro8don.     A S n r ht -P t mw th S h t /Bristol services re8laced bz busts for part of thu jot n .   All Sun Victoxta-Fittfehampton/ Portsmouth services divjuthd with a  + Today's Rain oewu 5 9.5  NSE North NSE South IC/RR Road;
P575 CEEFAX 575 San 8 Jun 23:95/0 = T      +rusk&d $ '/.I/.%/, '  Jun 7- C Soethmh Soutb oats . A]lk M6 e d !ti oo viV Ba@@ s JQ@$j\UZA #]UsMSZK@ Z\jjiUUk )Bx k between Guildford-North Camp/Ash Vale/ Ash. @  ' 550 Sea Crossings latest 15/16 NSE North NSE South IC/RR Roads
P575 CEEFAX 575 San 8 Jun 23:06/12   1 n1 5 ! {4 j5{  @ i East & North E st Ju - 2030 Sat-1700 Sun Leeds-York local services diverted with slight delays. Sun to 1700 Leeds-Splon/H  div#rued. South Milford sjrvjh by u e a d o a h @ h @ h /I  Today's Rail Njwu 511-513 6/11 NSE Noroh NSE So4 h IC/RR Coads
P575 CJEFAX 575 Sat 8 Jun 23:37/4*   'n1n1  Wrrkjnd MiOlandspj NoFth jest n ) 8-9 Doujr-Calais0yailinks are funi, buy vhe and Northampton-Birmingham s rvices d v ttid o r plac d b road/rae cennjctions for part of the journey wriebz dh dTlaz4 PA S N ER S H J U NEY JM EFORE TR VELLING sjtvzd b b sj to/ om a che Piccadilly and Wilm lo . p All Syn Bysrs r place trains b t{jun Hamilton Square-New BrightonWWrst Kirby 4     To z's R il News 511-513 7O11 S o E So t IC/R o
P575 CEEFAX 575 Sat 8 Jun 23:35/+9  5÷!s{4j5{5 Weekend K/.%/.)/,  Rail bjtwiun 0reuton-Blackpool North. p 2  
P575 CJEFAX 57* Sat 8 Jun 23:36/30 l4 l |, l< | n1 5÷!s 4 5{5 + ind /. . /, j oz CCCC Cotswolds & West Jzn 8-9 sfrvjces replaced bz buses for pazt of the jouv.ey. 222 Su a ingt lym uth replace by bus bjtwrd& Wjutkn s4Xjy Mart- Plymoyth.QAn additional)Paddi.gton- )4 Ex t t s uvic pa tu at 221 lin at Reading only. @ @ @ @ Today's Rail News 511-513 9/11 N North NS South IC RR ads