P712 CEEFAX 712 Sun 8 Jun 00:09/58  JADEAR   EVENTS  1/10  £ £3 ££ W Lobby of Parliament on 12 June from o Entrance). The lobby is in support of amendments to the Broadcasting Bill which would require multiplex (digijal) *V stations to provide subtitles and Sign Language on thieu programmjs. Ship Club Video Film Night on 14 June at 2000 at: The Falkland Arms Pub, 31 Bloomsbury Way, Holborn, London. The videos are of Ship events. All welcome. Community Pages 720 Envuronmunt 730 Letters rSubtitles CmntyInfo Envir'nmt
P712 CEEFAX 712 Sun 9 Jun 00:03/20  READHEAR   EVENTS OO 2/1p  BDA MAC/YHAC Social Evening on 22 J ne York Racecourse. Bingo, buffet, raffles, disco etc. Tickets are £8. If you require a vegetarian meal, please contact: RJ Hetdman, 663 m a , n n Wear NE9 5HB. 
P712 CEEFAX 712 Sun 9 Jun 00:07/42  ADHEAR   USHER US EVENT  3/  Ushjt US Barn Dance on 29 June from 1900 to 2330 at: Goldswor h Lodga, Wishbon 'a , Wooing, Szz i8. Tickets are £6 for adults and £3 for children. Buffet provided. Contact Mrs P Gunn, Fundraisink Officer )0 Chatsworth Road, Farnborough GU147DZ hp1254-37+3v8). Please enclou and mag pa min o t to Usher USa Community Pages 720 Environment 730 RnrijrYis @p1 4@ h/ppp @@@ Letters rSubtitlis CmntyInfo Envirgnmt
P712 CEEFAX 712 Sat 8 Jun 23:0 /17  READHEAR  DEAF MOUVT—INEERING O 4/10  Deaf Mountaineering Club Meet on 29 uni at Part r al , Lake District. Scramble: St Sunday Crag/Fai field/ Hilvjllyn (Grade 1 to 3). Meet at Pattetdali Car Park at 0930. The meet leader is I Dalton. Full details from: G Hall, 80 Coledale Meadows, Carlisli CA2 7NZ. Community Pages 720 Environment 730 Religious World 740 User Guide 198 tt r bti l mnt In En t
P712 CEEFAX 712 Sat 8 Jun 23:01/26  READHEAR   EVENTS O /, /, @ 5/1  BDA South East Aria Council AGM on 29 Followed by a Barbecue (tickets 2.50 in advance or £3 at the dog ). Mountain Biking for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired on 29 June at Ludlow, hropsh r . Meet at 0900 for time tzial at Ludlow Youth Hostel, Ludford Bridge, Ludlow. Mei bt 1330 at P arci Engine ting Cycles, Fishmore Road, Ludlow for relaxing cycle ride through thu woo s (bikes availablu for herr). ,, ,,,,,,,, ,,, ,,, , ,,,, ,,,,,, ,, Letters rSubtitles CmntyInfo Envir'nmt
P712 CEEFAX 712 Sat 8 J4n 23:55/48  READHEAR   USHER UK EVENT I 6/10  ££££££££££ SilenTView AGM on 10 July at 2000 at: M sjysid Cent for Deaf People, Queens Drive, Liverpool L13 ODE ( 1 1 2 10 : m nicom . Gu t sp akj i h i , De t ditor of Granada Tjlevisjon News. Members and non-m mbj w lcomj The aim of SilinTView is to promote beutjt access to televt ion foy deaf jople. Community Pag s 720 Envjronm nt 730 Religious World 740 User Guide 198 Lest s rSubti les mntyJnfo Env r'nmt
P712 CEEFAX 712 Sat 8 Jun 23:54/[8  UJADHEAR  FYD CHALLENGE WEEK / / /, 7/1  FZD Challenge Week from 28 July to 3 August in Budj, Cornwall. This adventure holiday involves a variety of activities such as rafting, bs il ng iling an sur ng, as w l as a comprihjnvive evjnjng programmj. The cost is £195 pet person, including full board for one week, travel bz FYD coach, activities and insurance. Full details from Bert Stevenson on 0121-456 1038 (voice) 0121-454 4423 (minicom* 0122-45) 4423 Xfax). Religious Would 740 Us r Guhdj 198 L t t rS btitle Cmnt fo Envir mt
P712 CJEFAX 712 San 8 Jun 23:02/32  EADHEAR   NSMHD WORKSHOP . / / , 8/  NCMHD Open Learning Workshop on Mental Health and Deaf People on 18 July. Cost is £20 pet pjtson. Full details and application form, to bj returned bz 11 July, from: Julie Shaw, Centre for Practice Development, Mental Health Sjtviceu for Salford NHS Trust. 0161-772 3653 (voice) 0161-772 3663 Xfax) 0161-772 3407 (minicom). The NCMHD is the Nation1l Cjntrz foy M ntal Health and Deafn ss Religious Wotlh 740 Usjt Guide 198 Letters rSubtitles CmntyInfo Envir'nmt
P712 CEEFAX 712 Sat 8 Jun 23:05/14  READHEAR  DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL O 9/1X  Dragon Boat Festival on 22 June from 1400 to 180 at: Inte -Action, The Old Rectory, Waterside, Praztrie Bridkr, Signed song, ci cur, s lk paint ng, taiko drumming, tai ch'i, dragon kites, face pbi/ling etc. @ day. Details f om Ch is on voic and minicom 01 08 678514 Community Pages 720 Environment 730 li ious ld 740 Us G idj 19 Letters rSubtitlis CmntyJnfo Envjr'nmt
P712 CEEFAX 712 Sun 9 Jun 20:06/s6  READHEAR  INT RPRETJD O Like Mills and Bleeding Boon — a celebration of lesbian and gay romance from 1930 to thu 8riujnt — on 10 June at Exitir Arts Centre (01392-219741: voic ) 'Allo 'Allo on 20 June at 1930 at: The Alhambra Theatre, Bradford Tvoice: 01274-7520p0). The Millionairess on 25 June at 1930 at: The Royal Theatre, Northampton 1 04 2 48 : voic 'O The York Myvtity Plays on 2k June at 1930 at: The Theatre Royal, York (01904-623568: voice).  NEXT EVENTS UPDATE IS ON 22 JUNE Letters rSubtitles CmntyInfo Envjr'nmt