P723 CJEFAX 723 Sat 8 Jun 23:58/13     X  1/4  MYAS H MIA G VIS AW RE EST JK Myasthjnja Grave i a r r d jake that many people have not heard of,=jt it continuru tg claim vistims daily. i its awar n ss we k soda in hj hop that many undiagosed suffurjt; wilm conj forward. Th di ja i now reckon d a ing an auto immune@condition cParacterised antibodies attacking thu njtvj ar , reducing tPj muvcle's effectiveness. Contacts: page 727 feature Info Diary Volunteer
P723 CEEFAX 723 San 9 Jun 20:04/14  |h4   m4j5$ ,j= n j5 5j=w =   2/4  MYASTHINIA GRAVES AWARENESS WEEK The effects of Myasthjnia Graver on individuals is unique. No two people suffer the same symptoms. hj onset of th di ease is often affect d b th l vel of activ ty being und tag but it c n al o ik std ealy, without warning. Paoplu who develop MG can bj fine one moment and lif less th next. Often th first sign of muscle weakness can bj in the eye or mouth ar a causjn d oopin lids,bl r d vis on and unint lligibli spje h. ] Contacts: page 7 7 f ature Info Dea y Volunt
P723 CEEFAX 723 Sun 9 Jun 00:06/43     £ £ £££££ £ £ £ £ MYASTHENIA GRAVES AWARENESS WEEK hj G ociatio iu so fa wa o 5,p00 sufferers bzt believrs up to 10,000 people could be undiagnosed. According to the National Chairman failure to obtain an early diaknosi3 is one of the biggest problems for sufferers for whom at present thjti is no known cure for the condition. In somu instances szffititis h vj brim accused of being malingjtirs, drunks j d in the majority of cases,the disjasj can bj managed b= treatments. Contacts: xagj 727 feature Info Diary Volunteer
P723 CEEFAX 723 San 8 Jun 23:07/32 ^    /, .% .! j j j5 u j  MYASTH MIA GRAVES AWAR MESS WEEK To diagnos M.G simpl tests can b carritd ohs and infermation and bupao @ is pailai w ft d thb Aitieiat . Some points to rjmembjt are: Any sk l sal mu cli can bj aff t d and exercise ot repetitive use, w ak ns Nathmr th t t ns. n ivi uals of all ages, sexes, race are affected. t is n co agio o f t ou nd it is jxtremjnly raru for more than one mrmbjt of a family to bj affected. Contacts: page 727  featule /nfo Diary Volunttet