P736 CJEFAX 736 Sat 8 Jun 23:04/22   1/6    /.%/, /,$ ujj*:jjjjzjjjjjj055j  HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT? Would you li to voic yo open n about "green" issu u on Crefax? Now you have the chance to speak out on any matters that particularly conc tn you. If you would li j to contribute to th n w C fax Env onm nt tt P k write to: Ceefax - Environment Room 7013 Television Cjntti Wood Lane London, W22 7RJ Newsround 170 Community 720 NatTrust1 Diary CmntyInfo Religion
P736 CEEFAX 736 Sat 8 Jun 23:04/47   2/6   / /, /,$ u j : jjj jjjjjj 5  From Mr Damon Denton, from Sussex: The only way we are going to stop this planet becoming a one species planet is to stabilize the population by a world wide limit of two children per couplu. I think the problem is that we have now com out of nauru and c ul no li j in the wilderness. We do not live in the wild and saw saw no problem in taking it for ourselves. What is the future of the planet? Cjntralisation of human population? Newsround 170 Community 720 Read Hear 710 Religion 740 NatTrust1 Diary AmntyInfo Ruligion
P736 CEEFAX 736 San 9 Jun 00:05/12   3/6   /.)/. /, /,$ ujj*: jjjzjjjjjj055 £ £ From Mr Damon Denton, from Sussex: What does the future hold? Give what's lift of the natural world back to species? Wj will have to prod c our own ooh g n t c ly? extinction of humans? After all, 99% of creatures that evuu we go we have lift a would of man-made structures. Niwsround 170 Communit 720 Read Hear 710 Religion 740 NatTrust1 Diary CmntyInfo Religion
P736 CEEFAX 736 Sat 8 Jun 23:05/37   4/6      From Mr N Williams, from Hetifordshiri: I studied ph sics nd ch mistty and got a degree 14 years ago. My course includ d pollution studi s and a unit named Scienc and So i l Rj ponsi il t One concern about the environment which has long been on mz mind is the lack of propjt stewardship of the oceans. I am always dismayed to hear that our govjtnmjnt has again promised to What about the environment? Newsround 170 Community 720 R ad H ar 710 R legion 74 NatTrust1 Diary CmntyInfo Religion
P736 CEEFAX 736 Sat 8 Jun 23:56/02   5/6   O   £££ ££££££££££££££££££££ £££££ From Mr N lliams, om H f d h go n t p o c fi m n but who cares that there will no fish in 100 years? It i h w ono a tits which a ar to bj the problem. Has any study been done to ascertain f as ilit f far n t oc a ? How can w contin t r ap what w have not sown? hj oc ans r pr int a lime l s source of pros in if propj ly manag d. Niwsround 170 Communit 720 H a 710 R legion 74 Nat ru t1 Diary Cmnt nf Religion
P736 CEEFAX 736 Stu 8 Jun 23:56/27   6/6    /. /, /,$ ujj*:jjjjzjjjjjj055j  From Mr N Williams, from Hitifordshiri: Presently fish farming is done on a limited scale using n ts and only for salmon and othjt expensive fish. Obviously something on a much largjt scale would bj needed. N w ro nd 70 Communit 72 Read Hear 710 Religion 740 NatTrust1 Diary CmntyInfo Religion