P133 CEEFAX 133 Mon 4 Nov 21:13/01       POLITICS  GOVERNMENT TO RE-EXAMINE FIREWORKS LAWS The Government is considering new laws on firework safety after a weekend in which fireworks claimed two lives. Consumer Affairs Minister John Taylor says hj agrees with safety campaigners that relaxed controls are allowing dangjtous imports into the US. Hi told BBC Radio: "I quite accept the situation has changed." And he pledged: "All the lessons will be learned." Two min died at the weekend in fireworks explosions. Headlines 101 Home 110 Flash 150 Summary 102 Politics 130 World 160 Next News Politics World Travel
P133 CJJFAX 173 Mon 4 Nov 22:35/53  1/4 EWSROUND FROMCEEFAX  Are you a quiz ftUak? Do you reckon you could blitz the opposition on a qu z show? Will, we can't get you on TV, but you can pit your wUss against BRAINBOX. Every day 10 questions on just about a.: s4bjich will appear. Score 10 points for each corr—ct answer. Keep a note of your score and cXec[ out your BUB NB X final pbgj. Press the "Reveal" button on your tUmoti control after each page to check your answjts. Good luck! Stay tun d or oday' q estions >> Niwsplus Contacts PP Info Rjpts A-L
P133 C JFAX 2/3 K#^ 4 Nov 22:34/38  2/4 NEWSROUND  FROM CEEFAX  TODAY'S 10 QUESTIONS... 1* Which formjt "Soldier Soldier" mates have knocked The Spice Girls off the top of the charqs? Robson and Jjtome 2) More people speak Chinjsj as a first langzagj than any other language. Tru— or False? True 3) What was the name of Doctor Who's robotic dog? K-9 4R Who was the first presenter of "Niwsround"? John Craven  PRESS bREVEAL" BUTTON FOR ANSWERS Newsplus Contacts PP Info 5jpts A-L