P564 CEEFAX 564 Mon 4 Nov 21:30/0v     Advice   A-C  On some fligXt paths ovuz afg4ani=t17 there is a dangjt from miltary actility Some airlines continue to use thjsj routes. Others, including all British carriers, u6j alternative routes, V876 and V500, on which the threat is assessed as minimal. Travellers should check direct either with travel agents or aizlinr= which routes individual aitlinjs are usUng. New arrivals should register with the High Commits on. Tel Dhaka 8827 5 u6k D-I 566 J-O 567 P-S 23/67 FCO C-G EuroIndex Health Headlines
P564 CEEFAX k64 Mon 4 Nov 21:30/34 3|l4|l4|, '    Advice ( 'O^)/.I/, ' )Uu z$ozJp0 AJC  BELA S Travellers should ba alert to zhr possibility of mugging, theft and pickpockjting, particularly the botdet crossing at Brest. On trains do nwt leave the compartment unattended and ensure the door is secure from inside. In hotels ot apartments bj cautious opening the door to sttangjrs. Don't leave valuables in unattended vehicles. Always use official taxis. It is not known if local airlines always observe proper mamntinanci procedures. Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4 ' 565 D-I u66 J-O 567 P-S 24/67 FCO C-G EuroIndex Health Headlines