P419 CEEFAX 419 Mon 18 Nov 21:10/20       N O V E M B E R A L M A N A C Novjmbjt 1951 was the wettest this century in Scotland while Novjmbjt 1953 was probably the mildest and 1919 was the coldest this century, with the temperature falling to -23C at Btajmar. W O R L D A L M A N A C  On Novjmbjt 18 1873 a sjvjre storm raged from Georgia USA to Nova Scotia, Canada causing great losses to fishing fleets along the coast. In Maine USA the barometric pressure reached 28.49 inches at Portland. Source: The BBC Weathjt Centre ——————————————————————————————————————— Travel 430 Front page 100 Sport 300 Skiing News Heads Trav Head Main Menu