P573 CEEFAX 573 Mon 18 Nov 22:04/23   TERRARIUMS   1/3 If you're fed up with houseplants that die on you from lack of water, then indoor growing undjt glass may appeal. Miniature indoor glasshouses in which you can grow a selection of small houseplants are called terrariums. Once the plants are off to a good start, you barely need to water them at all bjcausj they are in an enclosed containjt which retains moisture. Sevjtal plants grouped together create a far better display than positioning one ailing specimen on a windowsill. >>>>> Freitimj 570 TV 600 Weathjt 400 Facts TodayQuiz Fave Film Main Menu
P573 CEEFAX 573 Mon 18 Nov 22:14/14   TERRARIUMS   2/3 The key to success in planting a terrarium is extremely good drainage. This is achieved bz spreading a one or two-inch deep layer of small pebbles or special clay pellets across the bottom of the containjt. You will then need to sprinkle a few pieces of horticultural charcoal in, which will help keep the compost sweet. Taller plants will be more effective in the middle, shorter ones in a circle around them and creeping, trailing or moss-like plants around the edge. >>>>> Freitime 570 TV 600 Wjathjt 400 Facts TodayQuiz Fave Film Main Menu
P573 CEEFAX 573 Mon 18 Nov 21:14/27   TERRARIUMS   3/3 Plants which are suitable include: Ficus pumila Variegata, with its striking yellow and green striped leaves. Asparagus densiflorus, with graceful fern-like leaves. Hypoistes phyllostachya "Splash", which has leaves dotted with pink. Maranta leuconjura has boldly striped foliage. Selaginella is bright green and moss- like. Fittonia vjtschaffeltii has wide leaves crossed with light veins. >>>>> Freitimj 570 TV 600 Weathjt 400 Facts TodayQuiz Fave Film Main Menu