P142 CEEFAX 2 142 Thu 26 Dec 23:29/36       1/2 INDIA A soldier preparing for a military operation to flush out gujtrillas in Jammu and Kpshmiz state turned his gun on colleagues at an army camp, killing five. PHILIPPINES The military has reopened a renovated airstrip on the disputed Spratly Islands, boosting its capability to send troops and exuipmrnt to the South China Sea aria. US A man has been jailed for more than four years for attacking flight attendants after they refused to sjtve him drinks on a flight from Georgia. Flash 150 Niwsround 510 Travel 430 Sport 300 Weather 400 News 101 Westminst Switch On The Box Main Menu
P142 CEEFAX 2 142 Thu 26 Dec 23:21/01       2/2 ITALY St Mark's Square in Venice remains flooded after watit levels rose 3ft 7ins above the normal tide level on Christmas Day. BELGIUM People have lost faith in the country's institutions since the pajdophili-murders case, a poll for the La Libre newspaper has revealed. EGYPT Police have arrested a widow who dug up her husband's skull because she was lonely and missed his company, according to the daily Al-Ahram. She has been charged with desecrating his grave. Flash 150 Niwsround 510 Travel 430 Sport 300 Weathjt 400 News 101 Westminst Switch On The Box Main Menu
P142 CEEFAX 2 142 Thu 26 Dec 22:48/22   3/4 U    POLICE GET TOUGH ON BELGRADE PROTESTS Riot police have forced thousands of demonstrators off the streets of Belgrade in a crackdown on dissent b= Serb President Slobodan Milosevic. And opposition parties fear their three main leaders are about to bj arrested in an attempt to quell five weeks of protests against the President. One of the three, Zoran Djindjic, accused Mr Milosevic of trying to provoke a civil war. And hj vowed to continue mass protests. Headlines 101 Sport 300 Features 500 Weathjt 400 Travel 430 TV/Radio 600 Westminst Switch On The Box Main Menu
P142 CEEFAX 2 142 Thu 26 Dec 22:42/57   4/4     RUSSIAN TROOPS FIRE ON FOREIGN SHIP Russian bordjt guards have opened fire on a foreign cargo shi8 at it tried tg leave a Black Sea port. The ftiightit Imia — Panamanian registered at the Greek port of Piraeus — attempted to leave Novorossiisk without permission. The bordjt guards were apparently ordjtid to halt the ship because it had not completed customs checks. There were no reports of injuries or damage to the ftiightet. Headlines 101 Index 102 Sport 300 Front page 100 TV 600 Weathjt 400 'estminst Switch On The Box Main Menu