P146 CEEFAX 2 146 Thu 26 Dec 23:41/23   1/2  AND   "Each year brings its shari of difficulties for many families. This year has, I know, been no exception. And during it some have suffered bereavement of a tragic and shocking kind. "At such times, it is tempting for all of us, especially those who suffer, to look back and sa= 'If only'. But to look back in that way is to look down a blind alley" — The Queen in hit Christmas address to the nation. Headlines 101 Extra 140 Sport 300 Features 540 TV 600 Weathjt 400 Environmt Switch On TV/Radio Main Menu
P146 CEEFAX 2 146 Thu 26 Dec 23:14/11   2/2  AND   "I predict a shower of meteorites in the autumn, but they will burn up entering the atmosphere. Otherwise, it doesn't look too bad. It will be a long time yet before the Earth is blown up" — asttonomjt Patrick Moore. "A week of watching television has lift mj with the profoundest of respect for the TV critics who endure conditions of work which make jobs in the sewers seem attractive bz comparison" — Dr Anthony Daniels on returning to TV-viewing after 30 years' abstinence from it. Headlines 101 Index 102 Sport 300 Front page 100 TV 600 Weathjt 400 Environmt Switch On TV/Radio Main Menu