P435 CEEFAX 2 435 Thu 26 Dec 23:49/36 Updated: 09:53 1/2 Lj Shuttle Running 3 shuttles evjty 2 hours toda8. P&O European Fjtries - Scotland The Jjtlinjt on the Cairnryan-Larnj route has been taken out of sjtvice bjcausj of mechanical problems. Furthjt details: 0990 980 777 Shetland Isles Council Fjtries A limited booking only sjtvice opjtates today on the Blumell, Whalsay, Yell and Bressay sound. All othjt sjtvices are suspended. Normal sjtvici resumes 28th Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 London Sport Weathjt Main MenuP435 CEEFAX 2 435 Thu 26 Dec 23:14/21 Updated: 09:54 SeaCat Scotland 0345 523 523 The Seacat sjtvice between Belfast and Stranrajt will bj suspended from Jan 7 to Feb 11 for annual maintenance. The last scheduled sjtvici will bj the 2030 from Belfast on Monday 6 Jan. It will resume with the 0500 from Stranrajt on Wednesday 12 Feb. Travel headlines 430 2/2 London Sport +eathjt Main Menu