P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 23:16/57     20/21   MADAGASCAR (16/10/96) 1/2  Visitors are recommended to register at the Embassy. The more adventurous visistors going to remote areas should leave a rough itinerary with the Embark= and avoid travelling algnj. There is a danger of mugging and pickpockjting in urban areas. Precautions should be taken in crowded areas such as the Antananarivo market. Do not carry excessive money ot wear jewellery, ot wrist-watches. It is advisable to carr8 photocopier of passports. Take care if walking at night in the city centre. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 8 Sport +eathet Main Menu
P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 23:18/43       SAZASHSTAN (11/9/96) Robbjtiis on road and rail transport have increased. Passengers should travel in groups and compartments should always be locked on ovjtnight trpins. Thjti has been as increase in attacks and muggings on the streets of larger cities, including Almaty. Do not walk the streets alone at night or travel in unmarked taxis. Keep expensive items out of sight. ' Travel headlinj1 430 Front pag 1/21 FCO 8 Sport Weather Main Menu
P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 22:19/06   U  2/21   KAZAKHSTAN (11/9/96) It is not known whether maintenancu procedures on aircraft used on intutnal flights are always properly observed ou whjthjt passengers are coveted b= insurance. For safety travellers are advised, white possible, to fly diteatly to tXjir destination on an international flight originating outside the fotmet Soviet Union. Dipthjtia and tuberculosis cases are increasing. Seek medical advice before travelling.  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 8 Sport Weathjt Main Menu
P481 CEEFA 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 23:49/28   UV  3/21   KENYA (19/12/96) 1/3 Except as indicated below, game resjtvjs and the main tourist areas at tXj coast are genitally safe. Howe6eu, muggings and armed attacks can and do ocqur anywhjti and at any time, particularly in Nairobi and Mombasa. Be alert at all times. Do not accept food or drink from strangers. Avoid travelling after dark even if driving your own vehicle. Avoid isolated places, particularly empty beaches. Do not carr= valuables ot wear jewellery in public places. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 8 Sport Weathjt Main Menu
P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dtc 23:2Y/53   U  4/21   KENYA (19/12/96) 2/3 Incidents of armed car-hijackings are more prevalent in Nairobi and Mombasa but can occur anywhjte in the country. Do not attempt to escape from hijackers or resist thjiz demands. For security reasons, and also because of the condition of the roads, visitors to Lams Island are strongly advised to travel by air. Road traffic headed for Lams must travel in convoy on the on the Malinidi/Garsjn/Lams section.  Travel headlines 438 Front page 100 FCO 8 Sport Weather Main Menu
P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 23:49/15     5/21   KENYA (19/12/96) 3/3 Avoid the North Eastern Province, the Sana rivet district of Coast Province and the Isiolo and Marsabit districts of Eastern Province (apart from the Samburu game reserve and, when accompanied bz tour operators, the Shaba game resjrvj).  Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO 8 Sport +eathjt Main Menu
P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 23:20/38     6/21   KUWAIT (5/8/95) British nationals should not attempt to travel anywhjte near the border with Iraq. Care should bj taken when using beaches and picnic spots. Even whets officially cleared thjti is still a dangjt from unjxploded ordnance. Both visitors and long term residents are strongly advised to rigistez with the Embassy on arrival. Tel: 240 3334/5 /6 or 240 3324/5/6/7Gou 243 2046O7/8/9  Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO 8 Sport +jathjt Main Menu
P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 23:1</29     21/21   MADAGASCAR (16/10/96) 2/2 Road conditions vary widely and many vehicles are ill-maintained. Avoid travelling at night out of towns as rural roads are pooul= marked and vehicles poorly lit. Medical facilities are minimal. Intending visitors should seek medical advice on inoc4lations before travelling. For further advice contact the British Embassy, Antananarivo. Tel 27749 ' Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 8 Sport Wjathrt Main Menu
P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 23:41/35     8/21   KYRGYZSTAN (14/11/96) 2/2 Thjte is a di8thjtia epidjmia, so seek medical advice before travelling. It is not known whether maintenance procedure; on aircraft used on inteynan flights are alwpzs properly obsjtvjd. Foreign Office Travel 0171 23 4503/4  Travel headlinrs 430 Front page 100 FCO 8 Sport Weathjt Main Menu
P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 23:41/48     9/21   LAOS X23/12/96) 1/2 Visitors are strongly advised not to travel between Vang Viing and Luang Prabang by road because of the risk of bandits attacking public transport. Road travel from Luang Prabang to Phonsavanh is inadvisable. These problems have not affected Road 13 north between Vientiane and Vang Vieng. Local advice on current conditions should bj sought before travelling. All journeys should preferably be made bz air.  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 8 Sport Weathjt Main Menu
P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 23:41/01 U  U  7/21   KYRGYZSTAN (14/11/96) 1/2 Road travel is difficult because of the terrain. In spring, landslides are common in mountain areas especially to the south. Roads from Tashkent and Almaty to Bishkek can bj hazardous in winter and have no garage facilities. Mugging & thefts are increasing in cities and rural areas, some apparently committed by uniformed police officers. Do not walk the streets at night or travel in unofficial taxis. Keep expensive items out of sight.  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 8 Sport Weathjt Main Menu
P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 23:12/12     10/21   LAOS X23/12/96) 2/2 Travellers should also be aware of the dangers of unexploded ordnance, particularly in iing Khouank Proven (Plain of Jars) and areas of the Lao- Vietnamese border that were formjul8 traversed by the Ho Chi Mind trail. Those intending to visit Laos should seek medical advice about endemic diseases before travelling. Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 8 Sport Weather Main Menu
P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 23:52/35     11/21   LATVIA (18/9/96) Travellers should be alert to the possibility of mugging, theft and pickpockjting. Take sensible precautions and avoid unlit streets and parks at night. ' Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 8 Sport Wjathjt Mpin Menu
P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 22:52/08     12/21   LEBANON X20/9/96) 1/2 Following the ceasefire agreement, effective since Apr 27, the situation in Ledanon is calm. Normal business activity has resumed in Beirut. Travel is inadvisable in South Ljdanon beyond the city of Sidon. Shelling and military activity are likely to continue in the area from the coast to the Southjtn Beta'a Valley and in all other arias inside and along the border of the Israeli Occupied Zone.  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 8 Sport Wjathjt Main Menu
P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 23:53/22     13/21   LEBANON X20/9/96) 2/2 Visitors wishing to go tg the Bpalbjck region and to the north of the Beta'a Valley should use organisjd tour gro4ps Photography should bj limited to traditmonal tourist sites.  bj shown in dress. Visitors are encouraged to register with the British Embassy in Beirut upon arrival Tel: 417007 Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 8 Sport Weathjt Main Menu
P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 23:43/47     14/21   LESOTHO (19/8/96) Lesotho is relatively trouble free but visitors should take normal precautions. Muggings, mainly in broad da8light, have occured in the centre of town. Do not attempt to resist such attacks. Isolated areas should br avoided. Do not walk around town at night. All visitors are advised to register with the British High Commission in Masjtu on arrival, TelA313961.  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 8 Sport Weathjt Main Menu
P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 23:44/09 U )l<E|,|X<l4| X4|,h4 U  15/21   LIBERIA (4/10/:6) In view of the continuing conflict affecting the greater part of the country, British nationals are advised not to visit Libjtia.  Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4 Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 8 Sport Weather Main Menu
P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 23:99/24     16/21   LIBYA (17/10/:6) 1/3 Since April 92, UN Security Council sanctlons have included a ban on flights to and from Libya making speedy evacuation from Libya foz medical or other emjrgjncies difficult. The ban on the supply of aircraft components, engineering and maintenance sjtvices for Libyan aircraft and othjt related sjtvicis bz foreign companies ma= affect the safety and reliability of internal flights.  Travel hjpdlinj1 430 Front 8age 100 FCO 8 Sport Weathjt Main Menu
P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 23:03/47   UV  17/21   LIBYA (17/10/96) 2/3 Violent disturbances occasionally occur in Benghazi and the region east of it. Thjte have been no reports of attacks on fotiignjrs but the area is best avoided. Thjti are occasional violent disturbances in Tripoli, most recently in early July. Visitors should be vigilant. It is unwise to use or carry cameras. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 8 Sport Weathjt Main Menu
P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 23:37/19     18/21   LIBYA (17/10/96) 3/3 Stern penalties are imposed for the possession or use of alcohol and there are harsh penalties for ctiticising the country, its leadership ot religion. Britain has no diplomatic relations with Libya and the protection that can bj offered to British nationals visiting the country is limited. All British nationals should register whth the British Interests Section, Italian Embark=, Tripoli Tel:A3331191 ' Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO 8 Sport Weathjt Main Menu
P481 CEEFAX 2 481 Thu 26 Dec 23:17/43     19/21   LITHUANIA (28/10/96) Thjte is a risk of pickpocketing and bag snatching particulary on public transport. Avoid poorly lit streets, parks and secluded areas after dark. Car theft, particularly of/from nrw ot expensive cars, is on the increase. Lock unattended vehicles: contents (and radios if possible) should be concealed in the boot. Park overnight in secure car parks in the major cities. Visitors to forested arias should seek medical advice about inoculations against tick borne encephalitiis. Travel h dlin s 430 Front pag 100 FCO 8 Sport Weathjt Main Menu