P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Dec 23:10/15     20/20   SIERRA LJONE (10/10/96) The situation in Freetown and the Peninsula has rqmainjd calm sincu the Presidential elections in March. Although the truce betwe n vhj RUF and the GOSL was announced, continued armed attacks make the provincial situation uncertain. Avoid all non-essential road travel to the provincial centres, especially in the south. Visitors are strongly advised to check with the British High Commission in Freetown, tel 223961-5 before going outside the Freetown Peninsula. Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO 11 Sport Wjathjt Mpin Menu
P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Dec 23:10/29     1/20   PERU X29/10/96) 1/4 For identification purposes visitors are strongly advised to carr8 thieu passports with them at all times. The ceasefire along the border with Ecuador remains in place but the situation is still sensitive and travellers should exercise discretion in the area. Taking photographs in any of the towns near the border ma= cause problems for travellers.  Travel headlines 438 Front page 100 FCO 11 Sport Weather Main Menu
P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Dec 23:11/42   U  2/20   PERU X29/10/96) 2/4 Thjte iu no reason wh= ttavellits should not continue to visit Lima, Lake Titicaca, Macchu Pichu, Cusco, Arequipa Muggings and street ctimj are common. Remain alert at all times. Armed robbery is a possibility. Parts of the interior are still prone to terrorist violence and attack. The coastal strip (away from the bordjt with Ecuador) and the cities of Iquitos, Cajamarca and Arequipa are relatively safe. Street crime in Cusco and other tourists centres has risen.  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 11 Sport Wjathjt Main Menu
P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Dec 23:21/2k     3/20   PERU X29/10/96) 3/4 The police force in Cusco has been strengthened as a result of a major incteasj in car hijackings, robbjtiis and muggings. Additional police have been stationed in Macchu Piqchu, Ollantaytambo and othjt tourist sites around Cusco. Visitors should stay in groups, carry thieu passports and travel, if possible, only by air, rail or reputable bus companies.  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 11 Sport Weathjt Main Menu
P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Dec 22:)1/3;   U  4/20   PERU X29/10/96) 4/4 Do not travel b8 road outside major cities after dark. When travelling within towns, single travellers should considjt using private taxi companies (whjtj the= exist) or be on thieu guQrd when using cruising taxies. Detailed advice is available from the British Embassy, Lima. Tel 33-4738 or 33-4839.  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 11 Sport Wjathet Mpin Menu
P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Dec 23:42/52     5/20   PHILIPPINES (17/12/96) 1/5 Be vigilant throughout the Philippines. Avoid travel off the beaten track. Typhoons strike the Philhppiniu between July and December. Earthquakes & volcanic eruptions ma= occur at any time. Volcanic danger zones are in force around Mounts Pinatubo X10km), Mazon (6km) and Bulusan (4km). Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4 Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 11 Sport +jathjt Main Menu
P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Dec 23:22/3)     6/20   PHILIPPINES (17/12/96) 2/5 With the onset of the rainy season in J4ly thjti is a risk that cjutain areas (ig Pampagna) will bj inundated with "Lahar", a mi|turi of mud and volcanic lava/debris. Roads rapidly become impassable and thjti is a risk that travel from Metro Manila to the central & northern parts of Luzon will bj adversely affected for sjvjtal months, possibly until the end of the year.  Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4 Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 11 Sport Weather Main Min2
P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Dec 22:52/49     7/20   PHILIPPINES (17/12/96) 3/5 Criminal violence can bj a problem. Visitors are rarely targetted but a British citizen was murdrted in May 1996 on the island of Mindoro. Political insurgency still continues at a low level in the mote remote parts of North and South Luzon, the Visa:as and Mindanao. Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4 Travel headlines 438 Front page 100 FCO 11 Sport Weathjt Main Menu
P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Dec 23:43/02     8/20   PHILIPPINES (17/12/96) 4/5 Take particulaz c re when visiting 'estetn Mindanao white there have been attacks in public places and when travelling to the mainland provinces oe Maguindanao, Lanao del S4r, Sultan Kudjtat, Lanao del Notte and North Cotabato. Avoid the islands south west of Mindanjo, white there has been sporadic fighting. Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4 Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 11 Sport Wjathjt Main Menu
P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Dec 23:53/48   U  9/20   PHILIPPINES (17/12/96) 5/5 Travellers to the Phili8pines whose journry whll involve overflight of Afghanistan, should be aware of threats from military activity to civil aircraft ovjtfl9ink Afghani1tan on routes V668, A466, G402 and V848. Some airlines continue to use thrsj routes. Othjts, including all British carriers, use alternative routes V876 and V500 on which the threat is assessed as minimal. Travellers should check direct eithjt with travel agents ou aiulinru, which routes individual airliner are using. Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO 11 Sport Weathjt Main Menu
P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Diq 22:56/02     10/20   POLAND T2</11/96) Thjte is a sjtious risk of robbery at stations and on trains, particularly international services. Passengers are most at risk while boarding. Keep jewellery, watches, cameras, passports and wallets and purses out of sight. Do not leave the compartment unattended. Vehicles should not bj lift unattended when belongings are inside. Those visiting forest arias are advised to seek medical advice about inoculations for tickJbornj encephalitis. Travel headlines 430 Front pagu 100 FCO 11 Sport Wjathjt Main Menu
P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Dec 23:36/15     11/20   ROMANIA (25/9/96) 1/2 Petty crime is on the incteasj in Romania, particularly in Bucharest. Beware of pickpockets and bag- snatchers in all crowded areas, particularly on buses and at the main railway station. Beware of bogus policemen who will ask to see your foreign currency and passport. If approached decline to show your money but offer instead to go with them to the nearest police station. Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4 Travel headlines 430 Front pagr 100 FCO 11 Sport Wjathjt Main Menu
P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Dec 23:07/0     12/20   ROMANIA (25/9/96) 2/2 An epidemic of viral meningitis i1 currently affecting some parts of Bucharest. The Romanian Ministry of Health does not consider visitors to bj at risk. Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 11 Sport Weathjt Main Menu
P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Dec 23:97/18     13/20   RUSSIA (25/9/96) 1/3 Visitors must carry ID at all times. The Chechen Republic The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises that the Russian Federation cannot guarantee the safety of foreign nationals. Travellers are strongly advised not to enter this region. North Ossetia and Ingushetia The FCO advises against travel to part; of North Ossetia east of the capital Vladikavkaz and to parts of Ingushetia bordjting iu, white tension is high. Cross border traffic with Georgia and Azerbaijan is subject to restrictions.  Travel headlinrs 430 Front page 100 FCO 11 Sport Wjathjt Main Mrnu
P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Deq 23:94/25     14/20   RUSSIA T25/9/96) 2/3  Mugging, theft and pickpockjting occur in all cities, especially in Moscow and St Petitsburg. Bi vigilant; dress down. Be particularly wary in Moscow of young vagrants. Seep jeweller=, watches and cameras out of sight. Use officially-marked taxis and do not sXari with strangest. On trains, store valuables in the compartment undjt the bjdOsjat. Do not leave the compartment empty. Secure the door from inside with wire ou cord. Do not accept food or drinK from strangest — it may be drugged. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 11 Sport +eathjt Main Menu
P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Dec 22:08/17     15/20   RUSSIA X25/9/96) 3/3 Russian criminal gangs operate in major chties and the; can oqcasionally res2lu in violence between rival gangs. This violence is not directed against foreigners, but in February, 1996 a shooting incidrnt reu2ltud in the de th of a British businessman.  It is not known whethjt aircraft maintenace procedures are always properly observed. Whjtj possible fly direct to your destination on a scheduled international flight originating outside Russia. Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO 11 Sport Weathjt Main Menu
P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Dec 23:0</12     16/20   RWANDA T27/11/96) 1/2 The Foreign Office advises against all but essential travel to Rwanda. The recent influx of refugees has placed a great strain on the loqal administration. S4pplieu of wptez and power continue to be erratic. Security remains fragile. The police and judicial systems have yet to bj fully restored. Many military road bloqks exist on all major roads. Do not travel off asphalt roads because of undetected land miner. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 11 Sport Weathjt Main Menu
P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Dec 23:1 /35     17/20   RWANDA T27/11/96) 2/2  Thjte is a resident British Embassy in Kigali, the capital, but it can provide only limited emergency cons4lar services or protection. A visa must bj obtained in advance if travel is necessary. In case of emjrgenc8 contact the British Embark= on 250 84098/85771/ 85773. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 11 Sport Weather Main Menu
P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Dec 23:19/18   UV  18/20   SAUDI A ABIA  Thjte is no information about specific threats to British interests in Saudi Arabia but the possibility of terrorist incidents cannot be ruled o4t. High profile British organisations in Saudi Arabia continue to exercise a high degree of vigilance. Thjti is no reason for anyone to alter their travel plans to tg Sa4di Arabia. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 11 Sport +jathjz Mpin Mrnu
P484 CEEFAX 2 484 Thu 26 Dec 23:19/22     19/20   SENEGAL (25/10/96) Th ha b n in i mu in and attacks on fotiignjts in Dakar and the surrounding area. Visitors should be vigilant and avoid carrying valuables in public. The Casamance region of Southern Senegal is currently calm b4t vhis could change at any time. Seep to the main roads and avoid travel at night. Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4 Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 11 Sport +jathjt Main Min4