P601 CEEFAX 2 601 Thu 26 Dec 23:49/33 ———————————————————————————— THURSDAY/FRIDAY 2100-0225 ———————————————————————————— 2100 ONE FOOT IN THE GRAVE S/N Victor has a spooky encounter which changes his outlook on life 2200 NEWS; WEATHER S 2215 FILM: SOMMERSBY S/N A Civil War veteran returns home - but questions arise about his true identity. Drama starring Richard Gite and Jodie Foster. (1993) 0005 FILM: THE GRADUATE S Dustin Hoffman stars as a naive college graduate seduced by his middle-aged neighbour. (1967) 0145 CLIVE ANDERSON ALL TALK S/N with guest actor Danny DiVito 0220-0225 WEATHER BBC2 602 ITV 603 C4 604 On now 606 Front page 100 Sport 300 Regions 608 BBC2 TV ITV BBC1 Reg Satellite