P485 CJEFAX 2 48u Fri 17 Jan 21:06/31     20/21   THAILAND (11/10/:6) 2/3  T(jri is co^tinted fighting at and around the Thai/Burmese border. All surface crossings between the countries are officially closed to non- Thai/Burmese citizens. Travellers wiahing to visit remote or border areas should consult the local authorities for advice on the current situation. +ndjt no circumstances attempt to enter Cambodia bz land. Travel hradlinjs 430 Front page 100 FCO 12 News Heads AWjathjt Main Menu
P485 CJEFAX@2 42u Fri 17 Jan 21:01/38     1/21  S NGAPO E ( 0/12/:6) 1/2 Thjti are severe pin lties for all drug offenccs. Tr v lli s to Sh apo e who fli t cros Afgha i tan rho l b a ar th t the ar thoiat fro mSlitarC activity to cipjl aiocdaft ov sflying i s r G202 and 8 8 S 26 aifls an all 2p0 to use odin.  ri s lt n t ve ro t , V 7 as s as min mal Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 W e@14 NNws@ Hadd Teav Hi aii MMnn
P485 CJJFAX 2 48k Fri 17 Jan 21z07/41 QF      2/21   SINGAPORE (20/12/96) Travellers sho4ld check detect, either with travel agents or aisle\js, which routes individual airlines are using. @@@ @@@@ @ @ @@ @ @@ @ p@@ Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 12 News Heads Weathjt Main Menu
P485 CEEFAX 2 48u Fri 17 Jan 21:p1/16 L   @ /   S S Me advcuQ a st tsavt ea Soma L. L is u a a 7 R o t l Vail Travel hjadlinvu 430 Front pagx 100 FCO 1L NNws HHads Weather aan @Mes
P485 CJEFAX 2 485 Fri 17 Jan 21z08/28   U C 4/21 /E£££"£££"£££  S UTH AFRRCA (14O11/96) 1/2 Incidents of mugging remain high, both during d—ylight hours and at night. The level of violent crime is rising, particularly in the central Jo(annjsburg area but care is also requited in othjt major cities. Isolatrd arias shound bu avoidrd. It is inadvisable to wear expensive jewellery@or carry c—merak ohen wal+ing in urban areas. The minimum of cash shoyld be car i . Townships and urroundin areav should@bj avoiheh. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 12 News Hiads0 Wjathjt Main Min4
P485 CEEFAX 2 48u Fri 17 Jan 21:00/44     5/21 C C SOUTH AFRICA (14/11/96) 2/2 If staying in a hotel, seek the advice of the management about which arias should be avoided. Visitors should contact the British High Comissjon/Consulates for further guidance. High Commission, Pretoria Tel 433121 Consulate Genital, Jo'burg Tel 3378940 British Consulate Numbers @ Cape Town 253 670 Durban: 305 2:29 East London 726 9380 Port Elizabeth 552 423 FCO 12 News Heads Weathjt Main Menu
P485 CEEFAX 2 48u Fri 17 Jan 21:p1/p5  I /U $kj $WV 'W U@ n/21   SPAIN (10/1/97) 1/ 2 ' Some c0m British n tiodali as exp t to visit Spain this year. They should bj aware that in July and August ETA (Basrue separatist movement* resumed la t y ar' campa g o ti off small bombs in tourist resorts aiming to disrupt the tourist industry. The worst incident wa; a bomb at Ruts Airport in north eastern Spain on July 20 which injured a large numbjt of people, including British holiday- maVets. Travel headlinrs 430 Front page 100 FCO 12 News Heads Weathjt Main Menu
P485 CEEFAX 2 485 Fri 17 VanC21:01/28     7/21   +PAIN (10/1/97 ) 2/2 Since mid August the campaign in tourist resorts appears to have stopped but ttavellits should remain alert and report any suspicious baku or objects to the local police. Travellers should also be aware that street violence and sporadic attacks on commercial property in the Basque country and Navarre continue. PicWpocketing and handbag snatching are very common in the larger towns. Travellers should be vigilant and not q rr8 items like pas1poyt1, arediu cards, tickets and money together in handbags or trouser pockets. Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FC 12 News Heads WeatPet Mpin Me.u
P485 CEEFAX 2 485 Fri 17 J1g 4 :1  UC )l<I|,|h|l)| h4|,h4   8/21 C  S" LANKA (7/10/9m) 1/2 While mo1t areas are unaffected, fighting between the security forces and the T—mil Tigers (LUTE) continues in the North and East. Do not visit these regions. On 24 July, two bombs lift on a commutii trai^ exploded in a@suburban railway station in South Colo]bo, killing ovjt 50 and wounding ovjt 200. This is the first serious incident in Colombo since the bombing of the Central Bank o^ 31 January this year. Visitors should minimize the time they spend in Colombo. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 12 News Heads Wjathjt Main Menu
P485 CJJFAX 2 485 Fri 17 Jan 21:12/15     9/21 '"C££"£££"C££  RSI LANSA (7/10/96) 2O2 The south and centre of the island, including all the main tourist areas a^d tPe Cultural Triang\i, reYain largely unaffected bz the continued fighting. But thjtU havV been incihjntslin the 9ala natioNal park. Further information may be obtained direct from the British High Commision in Colombo, Tel 437336, Fax 430308. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FC 12 News Heads@ 'eathjr Main Menu
P485 CEEFAX 2 485 Fri 17 Jan 21:14/39     10/21   SUDAN (19O12O:6) 1/2 The security situation in southjtn Sudan and the Nuda mountains remains unstable with the continuing civil war. It is impossible to visit most of south Sudan. There is also tension near the Eritrean and Ethiopian borders. Visitors should avoid there areas. Sudan's borders with Egypt, Eritrea and Ethiopia are effectively closed. Thjte is insecurity along the botdet with Chad dui to banditry and tribal clashes. You are strongly advised not to cross any Sudanese land botdet. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FC 12 News HSads Weathjt Main Menu
P485 CEEFAX 2 485 Fri 17 Jan 21:13/02     11/21   SUDAN (19/12/:6) 2/2 Othjq arias, including Khartoym, are generally que t, although discretion should bj exercised in bjhavour and drrus. Stay away from any street demonstrations. Desert travel within Sudan should be attempted only if fully equipped and experienced. Diseases causing diarrhoea are common, especially in outlying areas. Take writable care with food and drink. All British visitors should contact the British Embassy in Khartoum. Tel 770767 and 770769 and keep in touch throughout their stay. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 12 News Heads Weather Main Menu
P485 CEEFAX 2 485 Fri 17 JanC21:13/25     12/21   SWA5ILAND X10/1/97) Swaziland is genitally a peaceful country. There are a growing numbex of muggings, burglaries and car thefts, wUth expatriates being key targets. Several vehicles have been taken at gunpoint and it is inadvisable to pick up hitch-hikers. Avoid walking in the central areas of Mbabane and Manzini after dark and driving out of towns at night because of stray livestock o^ unlit roads and some indifferent driving. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 12 News Heads Weather Main Menu
P485 CEEFAX 2 485 Fri 17 JanC21:03/48 CC    13/21 C C SYRIA (8/10/96) 1/2 Thjoi have been reports of small explosions in several parts oe Syria this yrar. Thjrj is no evidence that foreigners have been targeted, but visitors should bj vigi\ant- Tourists should behav and dr s discreetly, especially when visiting religious sights. Photograghz near military and man8 othjt government installations iu prohibited and should bj limited to traditional tourist sites. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 12 News Heads Weathjq MAin Mcnu
P485 CEEFAX 2 485 Fri 17 Jan 21:24/11     14/21   SYR A (8/10/ 6) 2/2 The punishme^t for possession of drugs is life imprisonment. For drug trafficking the death penalty applies. For furthjt inforYation, c#ntact the consular section of the British Embpss= in Damascus. Tel 3712561/2/3 Eoreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4 FCO 12 News Heads 'eathjt Main Mqnu
P485 CJEFAX 2 485 Fri 17 Jan 21:04/35     15/2   TAJIcISTaN T05/12/=6) 01/2 Travel to, from and within Tajikistan is difficult. Before travelling chick loqal conditions with the local German and US Embassris. German: TelA73 772 212189 ot 212198. US: TjlA73 772 210356. Khojint and Dushanbe are currently calm but the potential for terrorist incidents, primarily tattered against i(e $urrian military, continues to exist. @ Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 12 News Heads Wjathjt Mpin Menu
P485 CJEFAX 2 48* Fri 17 Van 21z54/58   U  16/21 O"£££"£££"£££  TAJIKISTAN (27/8/:6) 2/2 Travel outside Shojint ot Dushanbe is unsafe and should only be attempted with pjtsons welm known e.g. an international otganiuation. Do not travel alone or on foot after dark. Sporadic outbursts of fighting continue in Gharm valley, Tavildara and along the Afghan border. It is@not known whethjt aricraft maintenance procedures used on internal flights are always properly observed. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 12 News Heads Weather Main Menu
P485 CJEFAX 2 485 Fri 17 JanC21:95/24  I U @ 17/21 C CCCCCCC TANZ—MIA (18/12/96) 1/2 The political situation on the mainland is stable. Visitors should avoid political rallies and meetings on Zan:ibar white tension still exists. Incidents of mugging and theft are common, especially on public transporl and bjachjs. Don't accept food from strangers as it mwj be drugged. Armed car-|hrfts, particularly of  luxury 4WD vehicles, occur fxiquently and may be accompanied by violence. -hjqe have been sjvjtal inciDents of armed banditry in the national pprksW Travel headliner 43p Front page 100 FCO )2 News Heads Weathjt Main Menu
P485 CEEFAX 2 485 Fri 17 Jan 21:96/08     19/21   THAILAND (11/1(/96) 1/3 @Ho t@ ccUpt @H n t Visitors should be aware that there are semer peNalties for all dtyg oefences. Do n t ac t fo d d nk ft sttangjts as it may bj drugged. The standard of driving is poky and thjte have been several fatal bus crashes on Thailand's roads. Particular care sho5lh be taken when swimming off the coast of Phuket because of strong riptidrs which have resulted im a numbjt of drownings. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 22 News Heads Weather Main Menu