P643 CEEFAX 2 643 Fri 17 Jan 21:11/48        1/2 WRITE HEAR: PENNY BESCHIZZA, LONDON "1997 is now with us. We look forward to seeing pro-action happening for DEAF PEOPLE (not just deafness itself). "egarding previous correspondance in Read Hear, thjti will also be deaf people around while deafness itself is being "hammered" by equipment, research and surgery. The rial issue is that society must continue to open up awareness, attitude and treatment of deaf people. cont'd >>> Religious World 149 Front page 100 Subtitle Jobs Read Hear Main Menu
P643 CEEFAX 2 643 Fri 17 Jan 21:16/11        2/2 WRITE HEAR: PENNY BESCHIZZA, LONDON "Progress has happened in TV, telecommunications, consumer relations but so much could easily slip back to square one bz actions ignoring values of deaf people coping in everyday life. Cures and technical wizardry cannot prevent all deafness happening. Attitudes can prevent exclusion of deaf people from society. Deafness is only a "social threatening" issue to "normal society", NOT a life- threatening issue. New Read Hear address — page 640 Subtitle Jobs Read Hear Main Menu