P602 CEEFAX 2 602 Mon 20 Jan 03:05/34  ————————————————————————————   SUNDAY/MONDAY   2220-0715  ———————————————————————————— 2220 FORBIDDEN Acclaimed horror director David Cronenberg discusses the notion of cinematic extremity and censorship 2240 FILM: VIDEODROME A man uncovers a sinister plot to turn the public into brainless drones. Surreal horror with James Woods and Sonja Snits. (1983) 0010 FILM: SHIVERS Guests at a hotel become infected bz parasites which turn them into sex-hungry maniacs. Violent chiller with Paul Hampton. (1974) 0140-0145 WEATHER 0200-0715 THE LEARNING ZONE BBC1 601 ITV 603 C4 604 On now 606 Front page 100 Sport 300 Regions 609 ITV C4 BBC1 Reg Satellite