P514 CJEFAX 2 514 Fri 24 Jan 21:17/34      COMPUTER PETS MAKE IT BIG IN JAPAN A new computer game which teaches plazjrs to look after pets has become a best seller in Japan. The virtual pet needs virtual food and proper looking after or it will die from neglect. The game comes on a kjyring and can bj carried around in a pocket. Owning a rial pet is a huge responsibility but many argue nothing could replace the real thing. Backchat 506 Prius Pack Info 517 Contacts 516 CBBC Text A-Z 539 Flashback Brainbox Showtime Main Menu
P514 C JFB8 2 514 Fri 24 Jan 22:01/04 E#oteblZ 70 tUcSjl £)04(.QNUwk 61a@   +*/ * " + O)+/' +'* + // CO"PD JR PaTosMAZj IT@BIG 2NuJAPAN A nQw comput@t Ua@@ wh)cZ tia- @@@ pl j s to loo aft r pets s become a best@sjllit in Japan. (he virtual pet needs 6irtual food and proper looking after or it will dji from neglect. @ @ @ 10 W@Fjjteira SB@@2p - 3ticP@ @ GUS be carried around in a pocket. Ownjn a@rial p i hug riNpon i@slit jttim@nzhugiu@ not@ ng@ could replace the rial think. B "R!haT *0T Pqi5R P!"% IJfm T1  Contact 516 CBBC ext A 539 FlavhdacW@ Draimdox +howtime Main Menu