P121 CEEFAX 2 121 Fri 07 Feb 21:12/42       PLANS FOR SAFEGUARDS FOR YOUNG WORKERS The Govjtnmjnt has announced plans to implement EU proposals providing extra safeguards for young workjts. Youngsters up to the age of 18 will be entitled to minimum daily and weekly rest periods and daily work breaks. They will also get free health assessments before doing night work and at regular intervals afterwards. Board of Trade President Ian Lang said the directive was agreed with an opt- out from limits on working hours. Headlines 101 Index 102 Sport 300 Weathjt 400 TV 600 Digest 143 Next News Sport TV/Radio Main Menu
P121 CJIFAX * 121 Fri 07 Fib 41:00/18   ^  0 p R h R TRRR0 R d Rp p PL@N @R SA@EG@A DS FO@ @OUNG WOT@ RS T(j GovetnUe^l has aNnounced plans lo iJplimjnt IU propoualu pro6hding extra sbfegjbrhv for@you^g worSjrs.@ @ 9oungvtits(up to tYj bfj olQ28 wil\ bj entitled to minimum d!ily and weekly riut 0eriohs and daily work breaks. assrsunjnts before doing night work and at regular intirvbls afterwards.  Board of Tra$j Prisidjnl Ian Lang said the diyecthve wps agreed with 1n opt- out@ft#m \imUts@on@workPnV Pours.@@ @ HiQdlines 101 Index 104 Qport 300 Wjathjt 400 TV 600 Higjst 143 Nixj News Spore TV/Rbdio Main Menu